Chapter Nine: Tangled Heart

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The semester breezed by probably from the hours spent researching, writing, reporting, and of course, falling into a whirlwind love while balancing it all on lack of sleep. Coffee had become my new best friend, my lifeline to function during a normal human hour. No matter how strange or realistic the dream was, I refused to back down and let stress win.

The weather was cold now as early December coated its morning frost on everything outdoors. It beautifully glistened, making its trick of coldness more tolerable as if to be dusted in glitter. The lingering night skies hijacked the daytimes causing the darkness to come sooner. A new season begun as a semester came to an end. So much had happened in the short period from fall to winter.

I had turned 19 in October, taking that weekend to see my Dad. He decorated the entire house with embarrassing photos of me along with Halloween decor. James came with me to meet my Dad, which I am pretty sure explained the choice of photographs. At first, it was a little intense as my Dad drilled James making sure his intentions were pure. James handled himself well, considering the level of discomfort between all of us. Then it happened. The corny Dad jokes came pouring out.

"I sent Callie to College to come back with a good education, but instead, she came back with you...." Ron mocked, then added, "a good man."

I cringed, rolling my eyes. "Really! Dad!"

"What?! I am merely stating he seems like a nice fellow. I mean, if he breaks your heart, there are plenty of places to bury him between here and New York," Ron teased. "Did I mention I have friends in high places?"

James laughed. "No worries, Mr. Stephens. I have no plans on breaking her heart."

"Well, good. Oh, did she mention her allergy? It's a severe allergy." Ron noted.

"No, she hasn't mentioned any serious allergies." James was perplexed.

I sat there dumbfounded also. "What?"

"Your allergy to kissing..." Ron answered, excited to have trapped us both into his awful joke.

"Ok, no more. You're going to scare James away with these awful jokes," I told Ron.

"What jokes," He replied, laughing.

After the painful interrogation and torturous jokes James endured, they ended up getting along quite well. My Dad made James sleep in the living room on the sectional instead of in the upstairs guest room to keep us as far apart as possible. He would even sit between us on the couch while watching TV, yet all in all, it was nice celebrating my birthday with the both of them, no matter how embarrassing some of the moments were. Having the most important people in my life together was worth the pain.

Since the party we attended at James's fraternity, Aimee and Glen rekindled their old summer camp romance and were officially a couple. I guess college was a place to find love. Aimee spent a lot of her time at Glen's apartment than in our dorm room. She said it was the perfect place to practice their studies because it was private and quiet. I assumed it was an innuendo for a racier subject due to needing so much more privacy. She often came back smelling of sage instead of her typical floral scent. Whatever the hobby was, it involved tons of incense.

James and I continued to build a strong relationship in the few short months we spent together. It indeed progressed into something meaningful rather quickly, but it felt natural. I knew I could trust James from my heart to my fears, and eventually, I was able to tell him about my nightmares. I did not have much choice after the incident he witnessed at Bobst Library. It was the worst time to be struck by one of my nightmares.

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