Chapter 48 - Love Story!!

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🍁"I Pushed Everyone Away,
Because They Weren't You" 🍁


Bryce's P.O.V.

The door was unlocked and Kimberely walked inside. She looked at our entwined hands. Crossing her arms across her chest, she shook her head.

"I was hoping to find you two making babies on my bed but look at you two. I'm so disappointed", she said. I was embarrassed. Kyler laughed.

"Give me one more hour then. I'll fulfill your wish", he said. I slapped his arm and got up.

"Stop dreaming", I told him and walked to Kimberley. I hugged her. Today's day was possible only because of her.

"Thank you for being such an angel to me", I said whispering in her ears. She hugged me back.

"I'm your guardian angel. Tell me if ever Kyler hurts you. I'll break his bones. I'll be very happy to beat the shit out of him", she whispered back and I couldn't hold my laugh.

I love her.

"I've to go downstairs for an emergency", Kyler said.

"What emergency?", Kimberely asked.

"I was seeing someone. I need to tell Daisy that I've girlfriend now", he grinned and ran away. I frowned. Kimberley laughed. 

I'll deal with him later.

"Let's talk", Kimberley said as she held my hand. We both sat on the bed and she looked at me.

"I'm so happy for you Bryce. Kyler loves you. The past two months were hell for me. He used to call me every hour and don't get me start on the number of texts he send me just to ask about you", she said and it melted my heart.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble for everyone. I have hurt so many people. Luke, Yasmine, Kyler and even you. You've to face Nate for me. I owe everyone a lot", I replied.

"Hey, you stupid. We all do things for you out of love. Don't look down on our efforts by comparing them to pity. Things done out of love never demands", she said as she held me by my shoulder. I nodded.

"Thanks for being my friend", I said.

"Thanks for allowing me for the same", she said and I smiled.

Life is good.


I parked my car and walked out. My mobile rang with a notification. It was from Kyler. 

"Reached home, my girlfriend?"~K.

A tight knot formed inside my stomach. This is going to be tough. Allowing a new person in my personal space is a lot to take. I ignored this new feeling which freaked me out and forced a smile. I'll get used to this soon.

"Yes. What about you, Grace?",~ B.

I laughed. I can imagine Kyler frowning at my message. He hates when I call him Grace. He's getting punished for dating so many girls. I'll not be easy on him. Not so soon.

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