Chapter 7 - Short Circuit!!

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🍁"Being Alone Has A Power
That Very Few People Can Handle!!"🍁


Bryce's P.O.V.

It was one at night and I was reading a novel. After completing my homework till twelve, I decided to read a new novel because I'm a night owl and I don't get sleep that easily. Novels provide me an escape and they're far better than people.

A bike's horn caught my attention. Adjusting my spectacles, I walked to my window. I looked down and saw Kyler Grace parking his bike in the parking area. Becca was standing next to his bike. My mom and her father were out for a business trip for five days. She's taking whole advantage of their absence.

"Here comes her one-night stands", I muttered to myself when I saw Kyler and Becca walking inside the house. Becca is no less than a playgirl. As far as I've known her, I've never seen her settle with any single guy. Kyler is also a toy for her. Maybe she also is being toyed by guys like Kyler. Who knows the truth?

I went back on my bed and covered myself with my blanket. Adjusting myself in a comfortable position, I focused on my novel ignoring the sounds of laughing downstairs. Becca is way too noisy. I plugged in my headphones to avoid hearing her shouting. Thanks to the inventor of headphone and music. I was so engrossed in reading my novel and all of a sudden my room went pitch black.

What the hell?

"What kind of sick joke is this?", I muttered and removed my headphones. I picked up my mobile and tapping its flashlight, left my room.

"Becca. What happened?", I asked walking towards the stairs.

"Nothing. I guess it's a short circuit. I was trying to make a coffee and as soon as I switched on the machine, the light went off", she replied from downstairs.

"At least call someone for help", I said as I reached the hall.

"Why don't you do that? The emergency diary is near you" she said and I rolled my eyes. I walked to the couch and looked out for a diary next to the table.

"Do you want to go to my room?", I heard Becca saying in a whisper but it greeted my ears. I rolled my eyes.

"Is this an offer?", Kyler replied. I shook my head.

Alike people find each other very soon!!

I dialled the electrician and told him about the short circuit. He asked me to give him twenty minutes. I agreed and sighed in relief.

"Are there any candles here?", I asked flashing my mobile light on the floor because I don't want to see Becca or Kyler for that matters.

"It's in the kitchen. We're going to my room", Becca said. Her mobile light flashed on my face. I placed a hand over my face as it's bright light gave me a headache. She chuckled and turned away the flashlight away from my face.

"Ok", I replied and walked towards the kitchen where the duo was already standing.

"When is the electrician coming?", Kyler asked.

"In twenty minutes", I replied.

It was dark in the house but still, I could saw two figures looking at me standing in the kitchen. The kitchen was a bit less dark because of the light entering it from the street light outside the house or was it moon's light or was it light of stars because science says that moon has no light of its own but stars do. But oceans do reflect a light amount of moonlight. And the moon is responsible for Low and High tides.

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