Chapter 5 - Hoodie Girl!!

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🍁"You'll Forever Be My Always!!"🍁


Kyler's P.O.V.

This was my first day in New York. I was shifted here a week before with my family. My dad shifted his office here and we can't leave him alone, so, my mom, my younger brother and I, we all shifted here along with dad. We're his family and we can't let him work here alone for us. My mom always has taught me the lesson of a happy family. A family is that place where you love one another, support one another, you care for each other and always have one another's back.

I'm happy to be amongst the lucky ones who got to be a part of a full-fledged loving family. I've loving parents and a brother who loves me to bits.

"Kyler, get the boxes from the car", mom said whilst making breakfast for all of us.

"Ok", I replied and walked out of the house. My dad had bought a big house here in New York. It's even bigger than my house back in Australia. Since my dad got big projects since last one year, our financial growth is at peak.

I walked to the car and took out a box from the back of the car. It was heavy. I saw my younger brother talking to a girl. Her back was towards me but she was taller than him. Dylan, my eight old brother is way too friendly. He's so much social that it causes stress to my parents because Dylan can't differentiate between good and bad.

He was standing there looking up at the girl and was saying something to her. I placed the box on the ground and walked to him. He should not be talking to strangers.

"Dylan", I yelled from a distance. The girl who was standing there adjusted her hoodie over her head and ran away. She stumbled but managed to maintain her balance but then ran away holding her bag over her shoulders.

Dylan ran towards me. He stood in front of me and said, "Brother, she was crying so much. She's hurt".

I kneeled down and holding him by his shoulder, I said, "Dylan, she'll be fine but didn't we ask you not to talk to strangers? Why were you talking to her?".

"I was not talking to her. She dropped her diary. I was going to give that to her but she started crying when I asked her if she's ok. I couldn't tell her about her diary", he said and pointed towards her bicycle. In the basket attached to Dylan's bike was a pink coloured Starbuck's diary. I picked it up and walked inside.

I immediately ran to my room and placed the diary in my room. With the thought of reading it later, I came out and started helping my mom in arranging the boxes. It takes a lot of hard work to arrange a whole house. It's no fun too. My mom wanted to do everything by her, so she denied any sort of interior designer's help too. She wants to design the whole house with her own hands. Well, I wish her luck.

The day passed quickly and it was night already. My dad came back from the office and we all settled on the dining table. Dylan and I sat together on one side. My dad sat on the centre chair and my mom sat by his side. She served us food.

"Thank you, God, for the food you gave to us. Keep your hand over us children", Dylan prayed closing his eyes and we all folded our hands and waited for him to complete his prayer.

"Can we start eating now?", I asked and he smiled. He filled his spoon of rice and passed it to me. I took the spoon to my mouth and ate it.

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