Ishani's punishment

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"Angre, move"

Angre did so, knowing it was Ishani's fault.
Ishani was standing with her head down. Vansh was hell angry with her.

"Your all credit and debit cards are blocked. Your phone will be thrown away and you will live in the store room for the next whole month."

Vansh said trying to control his anger while Angre was little releaved that he didn't slap or hit her atleast. Ishani was very sad but didn't go against and silently left from there.

"Riddhi is not living here anymore, as soon as she. Wakes up, I am taking her." Riya said, likely ordered.

"First you were the one to say you don't care. Then why now? Where did this care come from? Huh? You didn't want to be with her? Then?" Vansh was totally irritated by her words.

" I didn't knew her condition will be so bad. And this house is just doing work of salt in her wounds!" Riya screamed and everyone covered their ears except Vansh and Angre.


Understanding who it was, Vansh rushed towards the room followed by Riya and Angre.  As Vansh opened the door, Riddhima was on the floor with her wrist slitted slightly.


Vansh rushed to her pressing the slitted area to prevent the blood to flow. Angre called the doctor while Riya was witnessing everything. Riddhima curled up like a baby clutching his shirt.

"Ka...b...r... Vansh..Please take from here, I don't want to be here. Please."

Riddhima was saying normally. Vansh was continuously moving back and forth while Riddhima was hugging him  murmuring to go away from here. The doctor cured Riddhima while she was still with Vansh.

Vansh placed her on the bed, while she was holding his two fingers with both her hands.

"We will go. Fine?"

Vansh asked with a slight smile in corner of her lips. Riddhima nodded in yes and hugged him tightly.

"Where would you like to go dear?" Vansh asked carresing her hairs.

"Assam?" Riddhima whispered.

"Sure, but first get well. Maybe day after tomorrow?" Vansh smiled at her and she did too.

Riddhima nodded in yes and Vansh texted Angre for doing the arrangements.

"Vansh.. why did this happen with me?" Riddhima asked looking at him innocently.

"Nothing happened Riddhima." Vansh tried to brush off the topic.

"No! Something happened. I don't remember. My head is paining. Vansh am I really mental? Why do I don't remember what I said just right now?" Riddhima cried in pain.

"Nothing happened Riddhima! Don't stress yourself for lame reasons! Please be calm." Vansh hugged him tightly and she was chewing the collar of shirt like a kid. Vansh smiled at her antics. After a long time, she was trying to be normal. May be just because she didn't know what happened with her?

Vansh had mentally prepared himself for situations if they arise about the past. What answers he will give to remove the topic, be ready to answer all her questions, never get angry on any of her questions; she has the right to know but Vansh had decided not to till everything is not sorted out.

After a whole of 4 normal days, Vansh decided to take Riddhima for a break now. Packing their bags, both were ready to leave. Vansh was sitting scrolling his phone when Riddhima came out of the washroom wearing a pink kurti matched with white leggings. She was busy making her hair when Vansh saw a red mark on her upper back as she lifted her hands up.

Vansh's thoughts were still the same. He has prepared himself to answer every question of hers. Everything is little light as the past 4 days were normal which was good for Riddhima, mainly.

Bidding everyone a casual Bye, Riddhima and Vansh were set to leave for Assam sitting in thier private jet.

"Vansh. Thank you." Riddhima hugged his hand tightly.

"No thanks needed sweetheart, it's our honeymoon by the way." Vansh winked at her and she shyly turned towards the window.


"It's fishy Angre. I think just one or two thoughts bring her back." Vansh was restlessly moving here and there.

"Maybe one, boss?" Angre's question stopped in midway and they both looked at each other.

"Kabir..." They both said at the same time. Vansh took a deep sigh.

"Assam is a less dense place, I have decided to take her out for a while you will look for Kabir. As soon as possible. I want him at the dark room when I return." Vansh said looking at him on which Angre nodded and left from there.

"That coward will be punished soon sweetheart. Then everything will be fine." Vansh left from there murmuring...

Flashback ends

"Vansh look there!" Riddhima chirped looking at the birds flying along the plane. As soon as they moved ahead, Riddhima leaned on Vansh's chest and drifted to sleep while he kept carresing her face.

Soon they landed in Guwahati, their first destination of vacation. Riddhima jumped out off the plane just to stand in free air. Stretching her hands in the air, she was inhaling the scent of soil in the atmosphere; which soothed her nostrils.

Vansh pushed her hands down as many people were seeing her. They both hold hands of each other rushing out from the airport..

Both of them reached their hotel room, jumping on the bed while Vansh placed the bags at place. Riddhima hugged him from back, while he turned and hugged her again.

"I love you" Riddhima slowly whispered

"I love you too, sweetheart." Vansh had now pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"Do want to squeeze and eat up my chatni?" Riddhima giggled on her own  along with Vansh.

"Yes, I want to keep you soo close to me that even air doesn't pass in between." Vansh said with his grip becoming tight.

"I am not going anywhere baba just loose your grip! I will be cutted in two!" Riddhima wriggled and they both laughed.

Vansh was happy now, she was all fine. Back to normal.

"Vansh where are we going today?" Riddhima jumped on the bed hugging the pillow.

"What about Kamakhya Temple and the state zoo?" Vansh asked scrolling his phone.

"Yess!!" Riddhima pounced on his lap and he kept the phone the phone the aside. Riddhima encircled her arms around his neck while he did the same with her waist. Coming closer, their lips had met now; before going further Riddhima backed off breathing heavily.

Understanding her situation, he slapped his forehead and rushed for her medicine. Giving it to her, she resulted in sleeping again. Vansh accompanied her covering both with a duvet, listening to each other's heartbeat, he also drifted in a calm and peaceful sleep....

That's it for today!! All the jutas accepted for being late... My school are opening from 5th of August and I need to go🤧 don't mind my late updates from now....

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Kr dena please. Love you all ❣️

Tanvi 💫

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