Riya Backfires!

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Vansh called the doctor to check up on Riddhima, while everyone was standing at the door.

"Bhai is she fine?" Ishani asked.

"Relax Ishani. Just called the doctor for her checkup only. You shouldn't take stress." Vansh said to her.

"But what happened?" Vyom poked in between.

"I think she overdozed her medicine." Angre said being concerned.

"It wasn't her medicine. Someone changed it." Vansh said tightening his fists in anger.

"And I just came back, after seeing the CCTV footage." Riya entered taking slow steps. "And it says, Vyom was last one to enter the room. And Riddhima was worried after his exit. Can you explain, Mr. Raigir?"

Riya folded her hands on her chest. Vyom chuckled slightly.

"Where were you?" Angre asked Riya.

"I went to my home, got know Riddhi is back so came to meet her. Anyways I am..."

"Stop your useless talks!!" Vansh nearly screamed.

Doctor came out from the room.

"Is she fine?" Vansh asked her.

"Mr. Rai Singhania, we have already told you to shift her to a hospital, her wound will not fill so easily! She is slowly moving close to anxiety. Her head ached badly and blurred her vision. She overdozed the medicine which was not hers. What was the depression pill doing there?" Doctor didn't stop scolding Vansh.

"Leave that. Does she need a psychiatrist?" Vansh asked her coming straight to the point.

The doctor nodded in yes. " She is not normal Mr. Rai Singhania, and she is not accepting it as she doesn't remember. Please keep her away from her painful past." The doctor bidded adieu to all and left.

Vansh entered the room to find Riya sitting near Riddhima carresing her hairs.

"You are fine? You look stressed?" Riya asked her.
"Yes... actually....(she saw Vansh) Vansh! I want to talk to right now." Riddhima tried getting up from the bed but failed miserably stumbling but Vansh caught hold of her. He picked her up tucking her in bed.

"Did Vyom say anything? Don't take his seriously. He is a big prankster." Vansh tried to manipulate her with a tight smile.
"Sure?" Riddhima asked.

Vansh nodded and kissed her forehead. As he was leaving, Riddhima holds his hand and nods in no with a week pout. Vansh chuckles and sits next to her. All of this was seen by Riya.

"What did the doctor say?" Riya whispered to Vansh.

"You said you don't care." Vansh whispered back.

"Shut up and tell!" Riya whispered angrily.

"You shut up and go away!" Vansh too whispered angrily.

"Done with your whispering game?" Riddhima giggles and asked.

"It's been a long time Riddhu. Let's spend some time. Just both of us? If Vansh doesn't have problem." Riya smirked as she knew her answer. Vansh was silent with a defeated look.

"Why would Vansh have problem? Right Vansh?" Riddhima looked at him and he nodded.

Riya's victorious smile turned into a shocked face as she saw Vansh lifting Riddhima and taking her out of the room.

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