Chapter 5:Clubbin

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Chapter 5:Clubbin
Paul's POV
I look at the clock on my bedside table and see that the time is 7:50. I slip on my black blazer jacket, grab my car keys and go to the down stairs of my apartment. I was about to open the door when Torrey was in my kitchen. "Oh hey babe. Didn't know you were coming over." I say giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah, well I was headed to the store and I thought I might see if you needed anything." Torrey says opening my fridge. "Um some coke would be great." I tell her. "Ok I'll grab some and drop it off. Oh and hey where are you headed off to?" Torrey asks me looking at my outfit. "Oh just gonna go hangout with Nina." I respond. "Ah Nina eh?" She says sounding disappointed. "Uh yeah. Well I'm late and I got to go. Bye babe." I say giving her a kiss. "Oh and Paul?" Torrey asks right as I was about to open the door. "Yeah?" I say turning to face her. "Date Saturday?" She asks, her eyebrows raised. "Yup. Sounds good. Love you bye." I say quickly so I could finally leave. I decide to take my motorcycle to Nina's. Right when I was about to knock on her apartment when my hands started getting really sweaty. I quickly rub my hands on my jeans and then knock on her door.

Nina's POV
He's here! Oh God. I think hearing the knocks on my door. I quickly look in the mirror one last time and apply one last coat of a nude lip gloss. "COMING!" I yell as I grab my phone and open the door. "Nina." Paul managed to say even though I think he's jaw is about to hit the floor. "Paul." I say smirking. "Do I look ok?" I ask playing around with him. "You look um wow just gorgeous." Paul says with his mouth still opened. "Oh um you might want to lick the drool off your chin." I say laughing. "What! I don't have drool on my chin!" Paul says looking more alert. "I know." I say laughing as I step out of my apartment and locking to the door. "So Paul which vehicle have you brought this time?" I ask knowing cars are one of Paul's favorite things. While I ask him this his hand manages to slide across my waist. "You'll see and don't worry Nina its friendly." Paul says as we're about to get harassed by paparazzi. "What do you mean? What's friendly? Ohhh." I said but eventually became less confused. Paul open the door and we were outside as we had to fight through the crowd of paparazzi. "YOU BROUGHT YOUR MOTORCYCLE!" I exclaim. "Yeah is that ok?" Paul asks concerned. "PAUL ITS MY FAVORITE!" I say squealing. Paul hands me a plain black helmet as he puts a matching one on himself. Paul gets on first and turns on the engine. I then sit down beside Paul. "Hold on tight."Paul shouts to me because the engine was loud. I do as he says and wrap my hands around his waist and lay my head on his back. It felt so good. So perfect, so real. I just enjoyed the moment, fully lived in it. I didn't want ti think about the future. But that also could be because Paul loved Torrey and I'm with Ian, the future doesn't hold anything for us and whenever I come to that realization my heart broke every single time. "We're here"Paul says stopping the motorcycles. "Yay! Lets get this night started!" I say grabbing Paul's hand and pulling him into the club. The first thing we did is walk up to the bar tender. "What can I get y'all?" He asks us. "Two shots." I tell him as Paul looks around. "Coming right up!" Our drinks came up fast and we golfed em down. Drink after drink we continued to party until all of our worries went away.

Paul's POV

Nina grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the dance floor. She started dancing on me and really close to me. "Nina we shouldn't." I tried to whisper in her ear. "Shh Paul no rules." Nina says agiainst my ears. After that everything be came a blur.  


I woke up in Nina's bed. Oh no no no no no no! "Hey Nina Nina wake up." I say shacking her. "Paul? Whats going on? Wait did we!?" Nina says starting to freak out. "I was gonna ask you that." I say. "Wait I'm wearing pants, we didn't don't worry. I'd like to think I remember if we did." Nina says. "What?" I question. "Hm oh nothing." She says. "OH MY GOD THIS HANGOVER IS KILLING ME!" Nina screams. "AHH DON'T SCREAM SO LOUD!" I yell back at her. "Oh sorry Paul." Nina says softer. "Well Candice tells me green juice helps." Nina says putting down phone. "Well I'm gonna go back some green juice and be right back." I say getting up and going into her kitchen. I make a ton of green juice and bring it back into the bedroom. "Hey you go." I say handing Nina her juice. "Thank you Paul!" She says taking the drink and closing her eyes while taking a big gulp. "Hey Nina what time is it?" I ask her taking a big gulp from my juice. "Uh Saturday." She says. "Ugg! This green juice better work! I have a date with Torrey today." I say taking another big gulp. "Same! I have a date with Ian! Cheers to the green juice!" Nina says lifting her glass. "Cheers!" I respond while clinking my glass with hers. 

A/N Hey guyssss! Sorry that this isn't one of my longer chapters! Its super late her and I' very tired. I hope you enjoyed it and the next chapter will be about their dates yay!!!!!!!!! Anyways thank you all so much for being you and leaving comments and being perfect little humans! hahahah anyways I love y'all so much!! 



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