Chapter 21: Party pt 2

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Chapter 21: Party pt 2 

Paul's POV

Once the lights turn on the tall figure suddenly becomes very visible. "Phoebe." I whisper out as Nina comes over and wraps her hands around my torso. "Awe. So freaking cute Paul...and Nina." "Get the hell out Phoebe." "No. I have somethings to say before i make my way. Fuck you Paul! You strung me along for such a long time. When all the time you knew you loved Nina. How dare you do that! Was I just some piece in your puzzle to make her jealous? To make sure she was the right one? Or was I just a toy for you to play with?" I don't know what to say to make her believe any of my words. But honestly I'm not even sure why I fully started dating Phoebe. I knew from the moments I laid eyes on Nina I was going to marry her. "My intentions where not to string you along or to make you feel like some toy. Your right, I always did know I would marry Nina but that's scary. I was married and divorced so to from that and then know I had already met the woman I would marry, I didn't want to screw it up again. We had a connection and I thought- I don't know what I thought. I couldn't be more sorry for the pain I've caused you. This is my life now. Nina is my soon to be wife and I'm an engaged man. I wish you the best in life and hope, truly hope you can find what we have one day." "Good luck you two." Phoebe says whipping away a tear falling down from her cheek. She quickly leaves the room and heads off. Nina reaches up and kisses my cheek. "That was amazing." She whispers. "I honestly don't know how I did that." I whisper back suddenly being honest about everything. "You did that because your a good man. You're a truly amazing, wonderful man. The man that I love and the man that I'm going to marry." "My God you're the most amazing person. I love you Nina." "I love you Paul, so much." Candice hops on stage taking he mic. "Well, everyone uh lunch is served at the large tables so feel free to eat and continue talking." Candice smiles putting the mic back on the stand and hoping off stage. She walks over to Nina and I. "I'm so sorry about that. I don't know how she even got in." Candice says thinking we would kill her. "Candice it wasn't a big deal. It was awkward yes but things like that are going to happen all the time. Thank you for giving us this amazing party." Nina says pulling her in for a hug. "Thank you. Now go, eat!" Candice shoos us off towards where a ton of sandwiches are and Nina and I both grab one.  "Hey is your family here? I didn't see them earlier." Nina says taking a huge bite of her sandwich.  "Um, I'm not sure." I say turning my head getting a look of everyone here.  "Hey baby boy!" My mom comes over and wraps her hands around my from behind. "Mom!" I exclaim turning around and pulling her in for a hug. "Nina! It's so good to see you!" My mom pulls her in for a hug. "It's so good to see you too! I didn't think you'd make it!" "Is dad here?" "Yeah, he's saying hi to Nina's family and getting some food." "So how do you guys like the party?" Nina asks continuing on the small talk. "It's beautiful, Candice planned this correct?" "Yes. She's amazing. Both one of Paul and my's best friend." "That's good. I'm gonna go say hi to your family Nina. We'll talk soon." "Bye mom." "Nice to talk to you." Nina says turning back towards me. "I want to get to know your mom better." Nina says with a smile. "Oh really?" "Yeah. We're going to be family and I really don't want to have a devil of a mother in law. And you have a really good relationship with my mom. I want one with yours." "How do you plan to get to know my mom?" I ask with a chuckle. 

"I don't know. I'm guessing she wouldn't want to go sky diving with me." Nina jokes. "Let me talk to her and we'll see what we can work out." "You think I'll be able to build a relationship with her?" Nina asks suddenly seeming so small. "Yes. I also know you're very determined and you'll find away. My mom and I are pretty similar and you love me and I love you so that should transfer over." She smiles at me as we continue to eat and talk. We make out way to the different crowds of people and make our small talk which allows Nina to show off her ring. I believe it's becoming one of her favorite hobbies. "Ready to go babe?" I ask as we move closer to the door. "Yeah. I'd love to go home and throw on a huge sweatshirt, cuddle up next to the love of my life and watch movies and eat even more food." "I couldn't agree more." I say wrapping my arm around her waist. Nina nuzzles her head into the crook in my neck as we walk towards the car. We make it to our penthouse and Nina quickly runs upstairs.  "I'm gonna go change." Nina yells already half way up the stairs. "I'll start making food." 10 minutes pass and Nina is on the couch scrolling through movies as I finish making snacks and quickly head up stairs to change into my sweats. "Ready baby?" Nina asks as I sit on the couch next to her.  "Defiantly." 

A/N so incredibly y for not updating in such a long time! Life's been crazy and I'm happy I've finally found time to write. I'll defiantly try and update my stelena story. It feels really good to update on here again so hopefully I can go back to a somewhat normal writing schedule. Love you guys so much!



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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