Chapter 10:Suprises

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Chapter 10: Suprises

Nina's POV

"Wake up sleepy head!" Paul says jumping on the hotel bed. "Mmm I'm up I'm up." I say rubbing my eyes. "Come on! Get ready I have a special night planned!" "Well just give me five minutes. "Well, I would if I could, but the plan leaves in ten." Paul says softly. "What!" I say sitting up. "Where are we going?" I ask finally starting to wake up. "If you wanna find out then, you'll have to get on the plane." Paul says pulling me out of bed. "Fine, I'll go get ready. Wait what time is it?" I question. "Uh five o'clock." Paul says looking down at his silver watch. I just look at him in admiration. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Paul asks looking concerned. "Well, just with all of the technology these days, you still wear a watch and use it, my dad does the same, I've always appreciated it." I say smiling at him. "I'm glad you like my traditional ways. Now go get dressed." Paul says. I go over to my suitcase and grab a flannel a light brown sweater, skinny jeans, my brown frye boots with my lace knee socks. I go into the bathroom, get changed. I looked in the mirror and decided I needed to touch up my makeup so I looked fresh. I walked out of the room and Paul's jaw literally dropped. "Close your mouth Wesley you'll catch bugs." I say laughing. "Sorry, you just look really great." Paul says his face turning red. "Should I bring my suitcase?" I ask still laughing. "Uh yeah, just a few clothes." He tells me. "Ok." There are still some clothes in my suitcase, so I just zipped it up and lugged it off the bed. "Ready?" He asks. "Ready." I respond. Paul and I walked to the elevator. Paul presses for the top floor. "Um Paul, shouldn't we be going to the lobby?" I ask him concerned. "Nope, not the way were doing it." Paul says with a big toothy grin. "Paul what are..." Right in the middle of my sentence the doors open to the roof of the hotel. right in the center I see a big helicopter. "After you." Paul says moving to the side so I could make my way out of the elevator and over to the helicopter. "Welcome Miss. Dobrev." The pilot welcomes me taking off his cap. "Thank you." I respond politely. Once I find a seat and soon Paul joins me. "Paul, this is amazing and wonderful but, you shouldn't of. This must of cost you a fortune. Plus, what about Phoebe?" I ask him concerned and feeling sorry about all of this trouble he went through. "Nina please, your my best friend, I would do anything to make you happy. And Phoebe, we went on one date, so please don't freak out about it, we're not even a couple." Paul says comforting me, placing his hand on my thigh. "Ok if you say so." I tell him exhaling out a big breath. Paul comes over to me and I rest my head against him. I'm so lucky to have someone as special as him but, I'm also not. What kind of person has a crush on their best friend, most people think dating their friend is gross. Where there's me, a girl who that's all I've dreamed about ever since season 1. I close my eyes as my head rest against Paul's chest and my ears listen to his heart beat.

30 minutes later

I'm suddenly woken up by a bumpy landing of the helicopter. "Hey, neens?" Paul asks, softly waking me up. "Hm, yes?" I ask starting to open my eyes. "You sleep a lot and we're here." Paul says giggling. "Hey! I work hard!" I tell him trying to defend myself. "I know you do." Paul says putting his arm around me as we walk out of the helicopter. Once my eyes focus and I see the beautiful surroundings my breath was immediately taken away. "Paul, where are we, this place is the most beautiful thing I've seen!" I say with an open jaw. "Better close that jaw Dobrev, you'll get bugs." Paul says teasing me, as I did earlier. "Very funny Paul! Now seriously where are we?" I ask my curiosity growing. "My grandpa's ranch." Paul says walking me down to what looks to be the barn. "Really!" I say excitedly. "Well, you said you like the country, and I haven't been here since I was a kid, so I decided to jump at the oppertunity. We're gonna spend the weekend here." Paul tells me making me smile. "Hey you like horse right?" Paul asks me putting on a mysterious grin. "Yes, why?" I ask biting my lip. "Good." Paul says as he starts running to the barn. I chase after him. Paul beat me there and as I thought my breath couldn't get taken away anymore, once I walk into the barn, I'm stunned. "Paul! Oh my God, this is the barn!" I say astonished. "Hahaha yes, it is neens. Wanna ride?" Paul asks me holding out the reins to a beautiful bay horse. "YES!" I say running over to the horse. "His name's King. He's a new member, a through bred." Paul tells me. "He's beautiful. Give me a leg up?" I ask. "Paul locks his hands together as I swing my foot in his hands, and the other foot swinging over the horse. "Thanks!" I say smiling. "Nina, are you really gonna ride without a saddle?" Paul asks me. "Hey I just to take lessons all the time. You'll be lucky if you can keep up." I say confidently. "Is that true?" Paul asks me smiling at me. "Yup!" I say with the same amount of confidence. Paul hopes on his black horse, named Raven. We walk out of the barn on our horses, once we get out to the field, I couldn't help it. I squeezed me horse, hit the belly of him, and cantering away we went. It felt so amazing so free, so perfect. Soon Paul catched up to me. For fifteen minutes we had cantering battles, on who could beat the other. Once our horses started to get out of breath, we decided to walk the trail. "Hey Paul?" I ask him. "Yes Nina?" He says. "Do you have horse jumps here?" I ask putting a smile on my face. "Sure do, the ring is at the end of this trail, right in the back of my grandpa's house, "Perfect." I say getting excited. "Nina, what are you up to?" Paul asks me, curious. "You'll just have to find out. We spent the rest of the trail in comfortable silence. Once we reached the end of the trail I see the arena. Ranging from jumps to three feet tall to seven feet tall. This is gonna be fun I think to myself. I trot into the ring. "Nina what are you doing!?" Paul asks me I can hear the concern in his voice. "Paul don't worry about me. I promise, I'll be fine." I tell him, trying to reassure him. I get up a nice trot and decided to warm up with some three feet jumps. King jumps them easy. I moved on to some higher one. King was jumping them like a piece of cake, flying over them, how much I missed this. I decided to walk him a little bit before I attempt the seven foot tall jumps. I look over and see Paul's grandpa walking out to watch, I also see Paul standing with Raven near the fence of the ring. Here goes nothing I think to myself. I get a perfect canter and stear King towards the jump, then it happened, he jumped it perfectly, like it was two feet! I kept this going, aking up courses. I really needed to get back into this sport.


I watch Nina and King fly over the seven foot jumps. Then my grandpa walks over to me. "She's good." He says not taking his eyes from the ring. "Good?" I question. "She's amazing." "I haven't seen anybody ride like that since your mother." Grandpa tells me. "So, what brought you out here?" He asks. "I missed it. We were in the city and she said she liked country, so I jumped at the opportunity, I hope you don't mind. " I say, not removing my eyes off of Nina, who kempt jumping. "Of course I don't mind, I like seeing you in person, not just on tv." He tells me, making me feel better since I didn't tell him we were coming. "You watch me?" I ask suprised. "Of course I do! My only grandson on tv, I would never miss it. So who's this rider? Did you meet her at a horse show?" Grandpa asks me. "Uh no, that's my co-star and best friend, Nina Dobrev." I say smiling. "The girl that plays Elena Gilbert, rides like that!" He says opening his jaw. "Apperantly so." Just then Nina hopes off of King and walks over to us. "Told you I could take car of myself." She says proud of herself. "How about we talk about all of the stunts you just pulled over dinner?" I ask her. "I'll cook." My grandpa offers. "Your really up for it?" I asks making sure he's really okay with making all three of us dinner. "Its not everyday where you get to make dinner for two tv stars. I'll get it started now." He says walking away, back to his house. "Come on, lets go take care of these horses." I tell her putting my arm back around her.

A/N So so so so so so so so so so sorry! I can't believe I haven't updated in a month! I feel so bad!! I try to make this chapter longer, so hopefully you like it! I know I brought a lot of horse stuff in the end, cause I have a horse and felt like including some horse stuff into it! I'm also going to update my Stelena fan fic, Our Love is Real, so go check that out if you like! I reached 3,000 reads!!! That's amazing!!!! I'm so blessed for all of my readers!!!!!! I love you guys so so so much!!!!!!! If you have any questions, or ideas, or just what ever comment below!!!!! I love you guys so much! (even though I already said that lol!)



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