Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:

Paul's POV

Oh my God! What am I supposed to do! I'm going with out Phoebe but, what I felt when I kissed Nina, it was real, it was perfect. It wasn't Stefan and Elena it was us. We left the interview and went back into the jet. "Ok so we can go home or we can explore the city for the next couple of days. Your choice." Julie announces on the jet. "So what'd ya say, explor the city with me?" Nina asks gently whispering against my ear. Why does she have to be so perfect. "Uh sure." I say trying to stay calm. "Great." She says taking my hand as we walk over to Julie. "Hey Julie we're gonna go explore for the next couple of days." Nina says. "Ok cool, I'll send the jet for you guys Monday. Oh and I'll text you the address of an amazing hotel." Julie says taking out her phone. "Great thanks Julie see you later." Nina says giving her a hug. "Come on Paul lets go." Nina says as we leave the jet. "So where to?" I ask her. "Well I'm starving so pizza?" Nina asks me. "Sounds delious! I've heard the pizza here is perfectico." I say slightly flirting. "You've never been to New York!" Nina says suprised. "Ha yeah well I've been spending the past couple of years in Atlanta and not a whole lot of time to travel." I say. "Oh yeah..well I know a great pizza place lets catch a cab." Nina tells me. We walk over to where some cabs are. And then Nina just looks at me. "What?" I ask. "A big part of the New York experince is catching your first cab." Nina says. "I've catched a cab before!" I say crossing my arms. "Yeah but not a New York cab!" Nina says also crossing her arms. "Fine." I out my fingers in my mouth and whistle, "TAXI!" I yell and one swerved over. "Hey nice!" Nina says giving me high-five. "Thanks." I say while we hopped in the cab. Nina gives the driver the address to the cab driver. Nina and I decided not to talk in the can because our conversations can get very personal very fast. The cab get there in about 5 minutes. I sent Nina in the pizza parlor while I payed for the cab. I will always be a gentleman for her. Once the cab was payed I walked into the place and luckily no one ran up to me. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans, they mean the world to me, but right now, I was determined to win Nina over. "Hey." Nina says as I sit down at the table. "Bourbon and pineapple cheese pizza right?" Nina asks me. "Yup! How do you remember?" I asked her surprised that she remembered my favorite meal. "Paul, its your favorite meal, and you mean a lot to me. Of course I'm going to remember it!" Nina says reaching over to push my shoulder back. So I'm guessing, you already ordered?" I ask just to tease her a little. "Of course!" Nina says smiling. I smile back because her smile is so beautiful. The food came fast and Nina and I talked and laughed. "Nina this pizza is delicious!" I say as I lift it into my mouth. "Told you! You may be able to cook but I know the best restaurants, no matter where the place." Nina tells me proud. "I know you do!" I say playfully pinching her cheek. We left a 10 minutes after that. "So Ms. Dobrev since you know the city so well, what ever are we going to do tomorrow?" I ask overly dramatic. "How about central park!" Nina says reaching for my hand again. "As long as I get the night!" I say with a slight laugh. "Aw why, your so old you can't take it!" Nina says teasing me. "No! I just have something special planned for you!" I say sounding boyish. "Well, I'm tired, wanna head back to the hotel?"Nina asks leaning her head on my shoulder. "Yeah I'm tired to." I say planting a small kiss on her head. We are some very friendly best friends. Nina and I silently walked back to the hotel. I let Nina use the bathroom first. Nina comes out just as I take off my shirt. "Wow." I hear her soft voice say. "Yeah?" I question turning around. "You just look great Paul." Nina says her cheeks turning red. I step closer to her so I'm only an inch away from her face. I grab the tip of her chin with my thumb and pointer finger. "Like what you see?" I asks softly speaking it into her lips. She doesn't respond just nods her head. I bring my face closer, but quickly move away. "Paul! What even!" Nina yells at me as she crawls into bed. "I'm sorry, did I do something?" I ask obnoxiously. " uh...well you. I give up good night!" Nina says having trouble getting the words out. "Good night Nina." I say with a chuckle. I turn off my light as Nina turns off hers. We roll over and go to sleep.

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