Chapter 11: stars

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Chapter 11: Stars

Nina's POV

Paul and I brushed off our horses and out them back in their stall. "Come on, I'm hungry and I bet you are too." Paul tells me as we walk out of the barn. "Yeah, I am." I say smiling. Paul closes the barn door and locks up. We walk to the small, cozy house. "Hi, I'm Nina Dobrev, Paul's best friend." I say introducing myself to Paul's grandpa. "Hi, I'm Paul's granddad, but please call me Tom." He tells me introducing himself. "Very nice to meet you." I say shaking his hand. "So you hungry?" Ted asks me. "Starved." "Well, how do you feel about the old style country cookin?" "Mm I love it!" I tell him smiling. We both stopped our conversation when we hear noises coming from the kitchen. We run over to the kitchen and I couldn't help but laugh when I see Paul stuffing his face with a bussicutt. "Somethings never change." Ted says laughing very hard at his grandsons actions. "He always used to do this?" I ask laughing just as hard. "Oh yeah." Ted says. "Ok, ok I get it, can we eat now?" Paul asks embarrassed. "Yup, Paul will you help me set up?" "Yeah, sure." "Nina, what do you want to drink, I have wine, water, and uh beer." Ted asks me. "Um wine is fine." "No beer?" Ted asks me. "No, grandpa, Nina hates beer." Paul says answering for me. I just blush, while Tom pours me a glass of wine. The boys finish setting the table. "You two kids ready?" Ted asks us from the kitchen. "I know I am!" I yell in responds. I walk into kitchen to meet Paul. "Here let me." Paul says pulling out the chair for me. "Thank you, Paul." His grandpa makes his way over to his chair and sits down. "Nina, I hope you don't mind, but do you mind if we say grace before we eat?" Ted asks me being a gentleman just like his grandson. "No not at all." I respond with a smile. We all gather hands and say our thanks. "So Nina, tell me about yourself." Ted says taking some chicken from s dish and setting it on his plate. "Well um I'm originally from Bulgaria, we moved to Canada when I was two. We met my dad at Niagara Falls. My mom had one suitcase and a child in both hands, me and my brother Alex. I'm fluent in Bulgarian, my parents agreed to make sure my brother and I b0th had a strong connection to our heritage. I lived a pretty normal life, well that is until I got into acting." I tell Ted, while putting food on my plate. "Wow, your parents must of worked so hard." "They did, I do everything I can to give them everything they deserve and could ever want." "Now, tell me how your able to jump seven foot on a horse?" "You think thats impressive! You should see me do it bareback!" I say with a laugh. "Um, when I was three I was really interested in horses, so when my parents finally found a barn that would take a stubborn three year old, they took it. Sure it wasn't the best barn out there, but it all built from there. I'm honestly surprised I can still do it today!" I say feeling my cheeks start to heat up. "So how long do you kids plan on staying here?" "Um till about Monday." Paul answers. "Why are you trying to kick us out already!" Paul says giving a small punch to the side of his grandfathers shoulder. "Of course not!" Ted says punching Paul back. Once dinner was over, and Ted decided to go to bed Paul took me outside to the porch. "Wow Paul, this place just gets more and more beautiful!" I say seeing a swing bench with lights twisted all around it. "Have you ever really seen the stars?" He asks. "No, just the ones that your lucky enough to see in the city." I say with a laugh. "Well, then you'll be blown away by the stars in the country. Come on, sit down." Paul says gesturing to the bench. We look up at the stars and he was right, my mind was blown, we looked up at the sky as Paul told me about different constellations. A shiver was sent down my spin from the cold breeze. "Hey you cold? Lemme go and grab you a blanket." Paul says getting up. "No really, I'll be ok." I try to stop him. "No, its ok, I insists." Paul says walking back inside. He soon arrives back with a red and black plaid blanket. "Here this should keep you warm." Paul says sitting down next to me wrapping the blanket around us. I slowly set my head down into the space between his neck and head. He places his head on top of mine as I slowly drift off to sleep.

Ted's POV
I woke up from my sleep and decided to get some water before heading back up into bed. I look through the window to see Paul and Nina, snuggled up together on the bench. I find my camera on the counter and take a quick picture of the two of them. I can't believe that with the love Paul has for Nina and the love she has for him there not a couple. Being as old as I am I know true love when I see it.

A/N Hey guys!!!! Sorry thaat this is probably a boring and short chapter!!! But I wanted to give you guys an update!!!! There will be a lot more drama coming up!!! Also please please check out my other story, our love is real, if you like that would really mean a lot to me!!!! Please leave votes and comments they really do make my day!!!! I love you all so so much!!!!

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