Chapter 7: Two years later

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Chapter 7: two years later

Nina's POV

I haven't wrote in my diary in a long time. I think to myself as I walk around my trailer looking for it. I look in the last page that I wrote in and then the date. Wow 2011, when Ian and I were still together. I really do need to write. I begin writing about everything that's happened which is a lot considering the year is 2014. I was about four pages in when there was a knock on my door. I quickly set down my diary and walked over to the door. I open it and I'm a little surprised from what I see. Paul. "Oh uh hey Paul." I say a little awkwardly, since he's been avoiding me lately. "Hey Nina, can we talk." He asks looking down. "Oh! Of course Paul come in!" I say moving to the side so he could sit down on the couch in my trailer. I quickly close my diary because I don't want anyone to see it. "So Paul what's up? We haven't talked in a while." I say. Sitting down next to him. "Yeah well Torrey and I finalized our divorce last month."Paul tells me shyly. "Oh my God Paul! I don't even know anything was wrong!" I tell him in the most sincere tone. I quickly pull him into a hug because it looked like he needed it. "Yeah it's been rough, especially think I haven't talked to my best friend in a while." Paul tells me as we release from the hug. "Well any good news?" I ask him. "Well actually Phoebe and I have our first date tonight." Paul tells me as his good news. "Oh fun! I'm happy for you Paul!" I say thinking in my head that saying that was the hardest acting I've ever done in my life. "Thanks Neens, what about you? Any love interest I should know about?" Paul asks strocking my arm. "Uh no not yet, just no one is really what I'm looking for." I say awkwardly because of Paul's hand rubbing agaisnt mine. "Well the right one will come along I promise." Paul says removing his hand. "Well I've got to go get ready for my scene. Bye neens." He says kissing my cheek.

Paul's POV

A couple of years ago I never thought I would get over Nina, I thought she was the only one but, after marrying and divorcing Torrey and now going on a date with Phoebe, I'm over her. Sure she's beautiful and my best friend and I care about her dearly, I just wouldn't want to ruin that with a relationship. I run over to the make up trailer to get my fangs in for one of my scenes with Ian. I'm happy for him too, his been gettinf serious with a girl named Nikki Reed. She is very nice and beautiful, her and Ian are quiet the power couple. I really do hope Nina finds some one soon, she is so great and I'm suprised she hasn't found someone yet. By the time I was finished thinking about my friends love life I reached the trailer. They put my fangs in and it was time to start another day of filiming on the set of TVD.

Nina's POV

I was just hanging out in my trailer, fliping through magazines, even googleing my name a couple times. There were some rumors on those gossip sites saying that Paul and I were a couple. Oh if only. I thought. My phone beeped which dragged me away from my computer.

Julie:Hey your done filming for the day! Have a nice weekend only three more episodes of season 3!!

To Julie: Great thanks! I could use the extra sleep! Looking forward to season four! Stelena!?!

From Julie:You'll have to wait and see! Btw I totally ship you and Paul! DOBSLEY ALL THE WAY!!

To Julie:Oh God! Good bye Julie! I finsihed my text to Julie and then packed up my trailer for the week and drove home to my apartment. I had no clue what to do so I turned on some trash reality tv. I was about 5 minutes into a major girl fight when my phone rang. "Ugg who is it?" I answered in a grumpy tone. "Wo Nina what's up?" I hear Julie's voice through the phone. "Oh sorry Julie. I was just watching some trash reality tv. " I say less grumpy. "Oh ok." "So what's up?" I asked. "Well you Ian and uhh oh yeah! Paul has an interview tomorrow in New York. A private jet leaves at six. Look nice Nina."Julie tells me while I reach for a pen and paper so I can write down all of the information Julie told me. "Ok Julie see you then." I say as I hang up and went back to my reality tv.

Paul's POV
Once I was done filming I drove home,showered got dressed for Phoebe. I looked through our past text to find her apartment address. I finally found it then my phone rang. "Hey Paul." "Oh hey Julie what's up?" "You Ian and Nina have an interview tomorrow in New York City. The private jet leaves at 6 am don't be late and look nice." Julie tells me hanging up. Ugg great why does Julie always schedule interviews so early. I got into my car and drove to Phoebe's apartment. Before I knock on her door I rub my hands on my jeans and take a deep breath. I knock on the door and Phoebe opens it quickly. "Hey Phoebe!" I say giving her a hug. "Hey Paul!"She says returning my huge. "Ready to go?" I ask her reaching out my arm. "Of course." She says taking my arm as we walk out to my car and drive the the restaurant. It's was a casually restaurant but more on the fancy side. "Wow Paul this is beautiful!"Phoebe says in awe. "Well the food is said to be delicious so let's get our table." I tell her as we walked over to where the host was. "Reservation for Wesley for two." I say as she looks through a list. "Ah here you are. Follow me."she says as she grabs two menus and guides us to our table. It was lit up with beautiful bulbs and the moonlight. "Awe Paul this is gorgeous!"Phoebe says again hugging me. We set down and look at our menus. "So what are you going to order?" I ask her trying to start conversation. "Well I'm going to do the mango salad." She responds setting down her menu. "What about you?" "I'm going to get the hamburger." I reply setting down my menu. "So how do you like having your own show?" I ask her generally curious. "It's great especially sense we've already built a fan base." She says. "Wow we sound like we're in an interview." I chuckle. "Ha yeah we do." "Do you miss Australia?" "Yeah but fans and my mom send me care baskets filled with stuff from home." Phoebe tells me. The rest of the date went by smoothly the food was very good and Phoebe is a great girl and I really like her. I hope soon she'll become my girlfriend. Before the night ended I have her a kiss on the cheek causing her cheeks to turn a bright red. When I got home I went straight to bed as I had to wake up very early to catch my flight.


Nina's POV
I woke up around 4 am and picked out my white and blue shirt and matching shirts with detailing. I put my hair in loose waves and did a slightly more dramatic eye with a nude lip. For my shoes I did a heel with pointed toe in navy to match my outfit. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 5:30am and a message from Paul.
Paul:hey neens will you pick me up for the flight?
To Paul:yeah sure no prob. On my way now.
I picked up my car keys and drove to Paul's apartment. In about 10 minutes I was there. "Hey Paul." I said once he opened the door. "Hey Nina you look great." Paul says yawning. "I'll text Julie if she'll bring us some coffee." I say chuckling at Paul's yawn. "Great thanks. And you really do look great"Paul says. "Thanks Paul." I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. We got in my car and Paul told me all about his date last night. Don't get me wrong I did asks but, every word broke my heart. "We're here." I say unlocking my car. I was about to open my door when, "Here Nina hold on I'll get it for you." Paul says rushing over and opening my car door for me. Why does he make it so damn hard for me to get over him. "Oh good your here. Here are you coffees we'll leave in about oh now." Julie says handing us our coffees as we walk into the jet where Ian was already sitting in his seat talking to Nikki. Paul and I sat together and babbled the whole flight.

Paul's POV
"Ok everybody we are here! Now this interview is very important so do what they say!" Julie announced before we got off the jet. We walked into the interview place and start the interview. They first ask us some basic questions about TVD "Ok so we like to have some fun on the show. So we are gonna play truth or dare!" One of the interviewers say because there two. "Sounds great!"Ian says getting excited. "I'm glad Ian, because the first question is for you. Truth or dare?" One of the interviewers asks. "Um dare." Ian says. "Ok well you dare is to twerk!" We all start laughing. "Oh no I-I can't twerk." Ian says shyly. "Oh come on Ian! Show them what you do when we're alone at home!" I tell Ian being as serious as I could but had to let out a couple chuckles. "Oh only for you Paul!" Ian says as he begins to twerk terribly. There are a lot more dates and there all hilarious. "Ok so last dare. Paul and Nina you guys have to kiss!" We hear the interviewer say. All I could remember was Julie's voice in my head saying do what they say. Nina and I looked at each other and then kiss. We ended up kissing for a long time and that's when I realized I' love with Nina Dobrev.

A/N hey guyssss!!! So sorry I didn't update when u thought I would! School got in the way😪 I'm glad I could give this chapter to you guys and I hope it's long! Thank you guys so much for reading, commenting and voting. The comments really do make me smile so don't be shy! I love you guysss so so so so much!!!!!!!!

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