25. He's Back

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third-person pov

[y/n] kicked her tail, the powerful thrusts bringing her closer and closer to the surface. Till finally the surface broke around her and she desperately clawed her way up the beach and onto dry land. The two boys waiting grabbed her arms and helped pull her up, Zale throwing a towel onto her lap as the sun-kissed her legs [y/n]'s tail becoming legs. The trident sat on the beach next to her, sand clinging to it. Its power pulsed as the three glanced at it the raw power drawing each one in.  

"We cannot let anyone who doesn't wield magic touch it." [y/n] said as she pulled a dress over her head, removing the towel and wrapping the trident in the soggy cloth. 

"You don't wield magic why are you able to hold it?" asked Isaac curiously, trying to get another  glimpse of the magical artifact. [y/n] glanced at him like he grew a second head.

"Isaac, I'm a mermaid, I'm made of magic," she said to him.

"You know that makes a lot of sense," he said voice sounding distant and distracted.

"Did you get the other 'stuff'?" Asked Zale, a different hunger, a need in his eyes to be back to his truest form. 

"Yes," [y/n] told him, while handing over the vile she had collected.  Uncorking it Zale tipped it back, and downed it in one gulp. He looked at his skin and waited. His promise band came back glowing in full force, which appeared on [y/n]'s hand as well, but that was the only change. His skin and hair remained that of a human. 

"I don't get it. That should have worked." Zale cried out. They had now made it back into the castle and were receiving weird looks from the other students. 

"Zale keep it down well figure it out," Isaac reassured his friend as they headed to the underbelly of the school to [y/n]'s room. The two boys and the girl's footsteps thundered down into the catacombs. Flinging open his dorm room Zale stiped himself of clothes Isaac blocking [y/n]'s view of the now naked man. A splash ricochet across the room as the two standing looked over the lip of the pool to be met with a sight neither of them expected.

There was Zale, his skin was back to lavender, hair no longer white as snow instead now black as night says for the tips that were dusted in white almost glowing. Which now matched his tail. No longer 8 tentacles, now was an oil slick black tail that reflected purples and greens, it was clearly some type of angler fish as the tips of his tail glowed bright white.  His nails were sharp talons, as well as his teeth being sharper than they were, and his eyes were much-changed scleras black as coal, glowing white irises, and black pupils.  [y/n] gasped as she looked at the man-turned monster. He was not as she remembered, he wasn't ugly per se, just different. And he had a tail. It was so different, so beautiful. In the past, she had tried to imagine what Zale may have looked like had he been born a mer. And now she had the luxury of knowing. His tale was like no other mer, it was unique each scale as black as the deepest shade of night. When he moved in one direction they reflected greens as bright as emeralds, and purples as deep as irises. His tail was an aurora borealis, dipped in stars as the little glowing dots highlighted the tips. 

"I cant tell if this is better or worse." Zale said as he Resurfaced examining his webbed fingers. "still in love with me, princess." a sharp-toothed grin crossed his features. [y/n] blushed and looked away from her boyfriend. 

"We have more pressing matters," [y/n] said still turned away. Holding up the trident she said, "We still have to hide this." 

"I've thought about that, I think I have a place" Zale mentions lifting his body from the pool. Like before he did not need sun for his legs to reform. Isaac threw a towel at the now human-looking Zale, and the three of them stepped to the wall of potion bottles, and ingredients by the bottom shelf Zale felt around for the latch that released the shelf, which swung forward to reveal  a space large enough to fit the trident. 

"can I trust you, if I leave this with you?" [y/n] asked the question feeling guilty that she even had to ask.

"Yes, and just to prove it you can always stay in my room." Zale winked. 

"Alright, now we have to make a game plan," Isaac chimed in. "find and defeat Zales mother."

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