20. Uh...

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Isaac pov

A knock was heard from the door.  Standing I walked over to the door I reached out with my rig.. left hand and opened the door.  A guy about my own age stood there waiting. I couldn't quite place where I had seen him before. 

"Hey um, I was wondering, since you don't have a roommate if I could room with you?" The stranger asked. 

"Do... Do I know you?" I asked him still unable to place where I had seen him. 

"you gotta be fuc.... kidding. I'm Zale" He rolled his eyes exasperated. "Im not happy about this either okay? But I have nowhere else to go. My room doesn't have room for a bed, and I cant sleep in the water because I'll drown. "

"Shit, your mom did this?!" I was shocked, she always had a flair for drama, but this was too much. "Ya, ya come in."

"Thanks," Zale entered the room, as soon as the door closed, he collapsed to the floor.  

"She took everything from me, my powers are gone." Tears flooded down Zales' face.

"I'm sorry, how... um, how will we fix this," I asked him sitting on the floor too. 

"There is nothing we can do," he said looking down at his hand. He had been rubbing his ring finger on his left hand aggressively. 

"Dude, dude stop there's nothing there, stop." I urged, if he kept this up he would end up giving himself a blister.

"That's the point. there is nothing here." jumping up he rushed into the bathroom plugging the sink then filling it with water he submerged his hand. 

"Nothing. HOW COULD SHE!" Zale slammed his hand on the sink. "THAT BITCH!" storming out of the room, I rushed after a fuming Zale.

We had made it to the basement where his room used to be.  Urgently Zale knocked (Y/n)'s Door. 

"(Y/n) please, I need to talk!" Zale yelled through the door. (Y/n) emerged, a worried look on her face. 

"Zale? How? What happened?" she opened the door wider letting us enter. 

"My mom," Zale told her, choking back tears. "Look." Zale held up his hand.

"Your ring, it, it's gone." She said. uncovering her own. "mine too..." 

"No NO!" Zale gripped his chestnut brown hair. "How could she!" 

"I'm sorry," (Y/n) said putting her arms around him and hugging him. My presence had long been forgotten. 

"I can't live like this. I lost my powers, she took you away from me." Zale cried into her shoulder.

"Hey, hey look at me, you still have me okay? I'm right here." (Y/n) reassured him. She leaned up arms around his neck and kissed him.

"She can't stop me from loving you." (Y/n) rested her forehead against Zales. 

"Look I hate to be that guy who ruins the mood, but we need to figure something out." I said to them. (Y/n) blushed just now looking at me. 

"Ya, I know your right." Zale detached himself from (y/n), their hands lingered for a moment. Finally, he pulled away and the two of us headed upstairs.  

" What am I gonna do?" Zale asked as we sat outside of the school, watching the sunset.

" I don't know. I really don't know." I told him. 

A man clad in green looked on in jealousy. 

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