6. What Am I Gonna Do

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Zale's pov

I heard a crack, well more like a soft crunch when (y/n) landed on her side. I continued to smirk but a sinking feeling started to build in my chest. I hadn't intended to harm her, just humiliate her, she got to her feet, performed a flip and fake smiled. blondie announced her as the winner. I couldn't care less, I knew she was in a lot of pain I could see it in her eyes as she left the room and the rest of the student body fallowed suit. I had to find her, this was my fault. Being magic I knew the only way she'll heal is if she's in her true form. I started searching the corridor noticing that ball room 3's door was ajar. I slowly opened it seeing (y/n) collapsed on the ground. she let out a cry of pain as I swiftly walked over. I slowly  turned her over and noticed she had passed out. shit I thought to myself as I gently picked up the broken girl.

I carried her back down to the catacombs. as I walked into our hallway I pulled on her doorknob. locked, of course. I sighed, I'd have to bring her to my room. I opened my door and walked in. how was I going to get her into the water. from carrying her I knew she had her shell top on. I stripped myself, begging to Trident that she didn't wake up and dove in. as I transformed I swam over to the edge. I picked up (y/n) once again, being careful of her injury and pulled into the water.  Her legs transformed into a long, iridescent (t/c) tail. As I'v stated before I'm not interested in mermaids but I had to hand it to her, (y/n)'s tail was pretty. I pulled off her dress setting it on the edge to dry and I rapped my tentacles around her and then braced her against my chest with my arms, so she wouldn't move and she would heal faster. (Y/n)'s skin was soft, compared to her (f/c) Shell top that scratched my skin. Her (h/l), (h/c) ticked my face as we drifted closer to the bottom of the pool. Having her near me was relaxing and I slowly drifted to sleep.

(y/n)'s pov

My rib felt much better but I couldn't move. someone or something was holding me, and what ever it was, it was slimy.

my eyes flew open the first thing I saw was tentacles, eight long black and purple tentacles wrapped around my body. The next thing was two pale lavender arms around my torsos. I had a major bruise on my side but with my mermaid healing and immortality I healed very fast. I wriggled a bit in Zale's arms, he unconsciously let go. I swam back to look at him, he was shirtless but still had his necklace on, he had taken his earnings out though. His tentacles mindlessly moved around the bottom of the pool. He was quite interesting, I had never seen a cecaelia in person. I blushed thinking of how close I was to him. Honestly I had to say he was quite good looking, he had abs and his white hair complimented his skin tone. I scolded my self for thinking about Zale like than and turned away. I pulled myself out of the pool and sat on the edge. Zale's curtains were drawn, meaning no sunlight could get in. I sighed, either I have to wake him or wait till he gets up. looking at his clock it said 7:30, class stared at 8 looks like waiting was out of the question. I swam down to the bottom of the pool and gently shook Zale's shoulder. Zale's ice blue eyes shot open and he grabbed my wrist. Upon realizing it was me his eyes softened, and he loosened his grip on my hand.
"I'm sorry for waking you but I need you to open the curtains," I said to him sheepishly.
"Right, it's fine I had to get up soon anyway." He said in his morning voice. We swam to the surface together, he turned to me.
"Close your eyes" he stated.
"Why?" I asked unsure of what he's intensions where.
"Well when I change back I won't have anything on and I don't think you can handle all this." he said gesturing to himself. "So I suggest you close your eyes. " I blushed and closed my eyes and he got out of the pool. I felt the sunlight hit my face and felt something get placed next to me.
"you can open your eyes" He called out to me from across the room. Looking I noticed a black towel on the ground.  I looked up and saw Zale another black towel wrapped loosely around his hips, showing his v line. I slowly pulled myself out of the pool wrapping the towel around me as sun light touched my fins. I picked up my dress and made my way to the door. I turned back to Zale saying, "Thank you... you know, for helping me."
As I left his room I closed his door taking out my key I opened my own door, closed it then leaned against it.

My story is definitely about to change.


tell me what color you picked for your tail, I love to hear peoples thoughts!

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