7. This inst Awkward

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(y/n) pov

Seeing Zale from now on is gonna be so weird. I can't get over the fact he was holding me in his room! Him, the villain! Plus I'm falling for this guy. Mother if your looking down on me, help guid me through this. I sighed and changed into a strapless knee length (f/c) and (t/c) dress. I grabbed my key and went down to the town. Today was Saturday, so classes weren't going on.

As I walked down main street I saw the shop I was looking for on a side street. The blacksmith.

I walked into the shop, the bell on the door jingled above me.  I walked through the empty shop looking for the owner.

A troll came out from the back.
"Finnic?" I asked surprised to see my forest friend who I met at waters edge in a river.
"(y/n)!" He greeted me happily.
"I didn't know where a black smith." I said to him.
"Ya picked it up from me father." He told me his thick Scottish accent clinging to his words. "What brings ya in?"
"well I was hoping you could replicate a key" I said.
"A course, anything for you my dear" He smiled, as I handed him the key.
" I'll have it done for ya tonight." He told me. Thanking him I left the shop. Upon doing so I met up with Raven.

"Oh hey, I heard Cupid is throwing a hexciting party tonight." Raven told me.
"Awesome, are you going with Dexter?" I asked her, she blushed and nodded shyly.
"cute " I smiled and turned into Ashlynn's shop. Because I had a tail I couldn't wear shoes, I love to look at all the elaborate shoes. Raven held up a (f/c) faded to (t/c) pair and I smiled. She put them back of the shelf and we looked around some more. We left to go get food. We ran Into Apple and Briar.
"Hey Raven, and (y/n)" Apple greeted cheerfully. Briar smiled and waved.
"Oh hey apple." Raven smiled back, "would you guys like to join us?" The two princesses gladly agreed and walked with us to get food.

I didn't notice the ice blue eyes following me...

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