16. End It or I will

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Pictures in case you wanted to see what I was envisioning for Zale's room to look like

Pictures in case you wanted to see what I was envisioning for Zale's room to look like

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and here is I think your room would look like (with less chairs though)

and here is I think your room would look like (with less chairs though)

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(y/n) pov

As I opened my eyes and glanced around, I had to be back in my bedroom. Seeing as Zale had taken me to my room he must have used his key to unlock my door. I sighed pulling myself out of the basin and getting ready for the day. I put on makeup, fixed my hair and put on a loose (f/c) chiffon dress. I checked my look in the mirror, a knock sounded from the door. Walking over I found it to be Zale.
"Oh uh good morning." I greeted the tall man at my door, a blush dusting my cheeks.
"Hey princess," he mocked, playfully.
"Ya ya whatever." I smirked locking my door and making my way up the stairs.
"Yesterday was fun. No?" he asked I could hear the smile in his voice.
"Sure, if you say so" I closed my door and stated up the stairs to the main floor of the school.

Buzz from the dance was still washing over the school. Raven walked up to Zale and I, arms linked with dexter.
"So Dex what's it like dating a villain?" Zale asked humorously, grinning at the happy couple.
"Well... It's not what I expected." He looked lovingly at his girlfriend. "It's better"
Zale nudged me slightly.
"See there's hope for us after all," a blush coated my cheeks as I scoffed and smiled while shaking my head. Isaac jogged up saving me from my embarrassment.

"Grim wants to see you," he said to me rather ... grimly.
"Oh well okay, Ill see you all later." Raven gave me a pitying smile, as I jogged away. Walking to headmaster Grim's  office was a daunting task. I reached the tall door to his office and reached up to knock.

"Come in," he called before my knuckles even touched the wooden door.  I took a breath and wrapped my fingers around the cold door knob and swung the door open slowly. Glancing around I took in the big office, making my way to the Headmasters desk.
"You called for me?" I asked him nervously, rocking on the balls of my heels and ringing my hands together. He glanced up at me gestured for me to sit.
"Yes Something has come up I needed to speak to you about." He interlaced his hands placing them on his desk. "This is about the dance"  I gulped, nodding.
"I wanted to address that you would be sticking to your destiny. Regarding that I have been informed that you have gotten very close to Zale your fairytale villain?" The principle gave me a pointed look. His knowing could see through my crumbling facade.
"I see, well break it off as soon as possible your destiny can not afford love." He dismissed me.

I was barely holding myself together, as soon as I stepped out of his office I collapsed against the door my knees could no longer hold my weight. Covering my sobs with my hand. I cried.

A lavender skinned boy watched with pity, having herd the conversation he was determined to change her destiny...

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