5. Its a chalange

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Zale pov
My plan was set. I was ready for little miss perfect, then I was gonna crush her in front of the school.
I waited, over looking the Castleteria balcony. (Y/n) made her way in giggling with Raven about something. My friends Isaac hook (he hadn't lost his hand...yet), and Jace sorcerer(Jafar's son) walked behind me.

A hush spread through the room as I approached (y/n).
"Hello princess," I smiled evilly at her. She looked back at me showing no fear.
"Hello Zale," she replied in a mocking tone. I smirked, the girl had guts I'll give her that.
"I came to give you a challenge,  if you choose to except it." I smiled again my fangs showing.
"And what might that be?" She asked, her hands on her hips.
"A jump off." I replied smugly.
"A what?" she asked very confused. I snickered, my plan was to pick some human task, that would be hard for a mermaid to perform, seeing as she's only had legs twice now I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to humiliate her in front of the school.
"To jump higher or perform a  trick better than me. If you choose to except meet me in the flight practice room at 10pm" I said sneering. she glared at me, she and I knew full well she would fail.
"Your on," She challenged putting her hand out for me to shake. I took it and shook. It felt like a shock ran through my arm, but in a good way.  Her hands where small compared to mine, and I was slightly surprised at how soft they where. She pulled her hand away and stormed out of the room, my friends and I laughed at the princesses temper tantrum, and left out of the opposite door.

(y/n) pov
That little! Barnacle! He really got my tail in a twist. I stormed of the Castleteria, but thought back to when we touched hands. My arm tingled, his hand was soft and rapped around mine, seeing as how his had was bigger than my own. I brushed those thoughts aside and headed off to my next class.

the day went by and the later  it got, the more nervous I became. I rung my hands and waited around. After dinner at 6 I headed back to my room nervously.

A knock sounded at my door at 9. I opened it half expecting to see Zale but instead I was greeted by Raven.
" Hey, come in," I invited. She walked in and sat on my (f/c) fainting bed. I sat next to her my head in my hands.
"What am I gonna do?!" I fretted.
" You'll be fine. We should head up though." She said looking at the clock on my wall.
"Ya, your right ." I agreed and we made our way to the flight training room. 

when we entered most of the school was already crowded in the room, Blondie was reporting live, and Zale was standing on one of the trampolines in the center of the room. I took a breath and stepped out of the doorway into the crowded room, people made way as I walked through the crowd. As I stepped onto the trampoline the clock struck 10.
"Well I almost thought you weren't gonna show," said Zale, his signature smirk on his lips.
"I never break my promises," I stated confidently. The crowd hushed as blondie introduced the judges.  Zale was the first up he jumped high did a flip and landed with grace. the audience clapped. It was now my turn. I stepped out and started jumping, I wasn't as high as Zale. I tried a back flip, but couldn't land it,  because of this slip up I heard a crack, I knew it was a rib. I was the only one who noticed because the event continued like nothing happened. Zale held out his hand, a smirk on his face. I rolled onto my side away from him. He scoffed. I slowly got to my feet jumped once, twice  then a double front flip. the crowd erupted in cheers and applause. I faked a smile and listened as blondie said I was the winner.

I made my way out of the room and to the nearest room to me. It was a ballroom. pillars  where around the room. I swiftly 'walked' to one then collapsed against it. the pain was immense. I slid down the beam, letting out a cry I didn't notice the door open. slowly everything faded to black, as my body went numb form the pain.


Q: why did I pick Zale as Ursula's sons name?

A: The name Zale is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Zale is: Power of the sea.

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