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Master Faric's spell was successful, and so was my determined learning. So good that Allister and I reached Mage status at the same time.

Over the years, Allister and a few other Wood Osrocan noticed our dark hair growing out in different shades of grey or white. Mine was turning out to be the brightest white among the others, and Allister a light tone of grey. As soon as he noticed the new hair growing in, he shaved his head to rid himself of all of his dark brown curls. His hair grew back straighter but still waved. Mine stayed with its wavy texture, but others who once had tighter curls grew their new straight hair out. While most discarded their hair, I didn't. By the time I was ready to take on another rank, my hair was already chest-length, making half of it black.

Allister and I both climbed the ranks rather quickly, and at every initiation, he would give me a specific glare when he was called up first and had to pass me. We both got to Archmage status, then Silvermage and Goldmage at the same time, but when it came time to rise to another rank, Allister did not join me. I achieved Magistrate status before him. I was 13. Faric said that it was the fastest anyone had ever risen through any amount or ranks in his school's history. Allister still struggled with semantics, and my celestial had gotten much better. I learned how to cast a spell simply at a touch of my focus before I could whisper any spell. Others would be able to cast spells with a singular gesture and single word at this stage.

Allister had become fluid with mental and physical spells, but he couldn't reduce his semantics or phrases.

I caught his glare from the crowd and received my scroll. I'd kept my witches' garments, my short green Archmage cape, the short silver and gold capes for their respective ranks, and now I wore the long green cape that signified my initiation into the Archmagistrate rank. The sea of students watched the tiny Osrocan boy take a deep bow and stand proudly before them.

I noted the murmurs upon my exit and couldn't see Allister anymore. Once I ducked into the darkness backstage, I was slammed against a beam.

"Grh... Allister?! What are you doing?!" I whispered through clenched teeth.

"You think you're so fantastic. You think everything in this world belongs to you and you alone. Well, what about others?! What about those who have worked their lives away for what you've achieved in half the time?!" He said in a not so subtle a tone.

"Allister, unhand me. Now." I growled.

"Why should I? So you can continue to rise and discard me?! Leave me here to rot while you succeed?!" He said, locking his grip around my jaw and digging his claws into the side of my face.

"Ah! Allister, let go!" I yelled and shoved him off. His claws sailed through my cheek, and I doubled over, tasting iron. I watched as dark maroon stained the marble.

"Varitran, you will not rise another rank without me. I promise you that. Take those injuries as a reminder. I hope you carry those scars with shame." He said and left me there. I stayed there for a few moments before I heard the roaring applause of another initiation and fled. Making it through the halls with my best shirt as a bandage of sorts, I ducked into my quarters to find Fell there. She saw me and cupped her hands over her mouth before rushing to my side and hovering a hand over it.

"Don't bother. I tried that already." I said.

"Vari! What happened?! Gods... what do we do?! Are you alright?!" I flinched at the overwhelming piercing of her tone.

"Please stop." I breathed, falling into the seat near the door.

"Varitran!" She rushed to my side, and I saw the room swim.

"What in The Beneath did Allister do to me?" I thought and passed out.

"Varitran? Oh, thank the Gods! You're awake!" His voice pierced into my ears. Once I recognised him, I cast a shield and barrier around myself and leapt out of bed.

"Step away from me! And don't you dare say a word!" I yelled.

"Varitran I-" he started, but I cast Hold on him and slammed him against the wall.

"Not another peep," I growled, desperate for my head and neck ache to disappear. Fell put her hand on my barrier and looked at me. Heaving, overwhelmed and terrified, I watched my hands tremble as I held them out towards Allister. She glanced toward the door, where I saw Master Faric blocking out the light from the hall. He nodded his head once, and I dropped Allister but kept my shield and barrier. A silence defended the room, and I gained some relief. I took a deep breath and lowered myself onto the bed to drop the barrier.

"I'm sorry," I said softly. Fellorte opened her mouth but shut it and took her place next to me to reach out a hand. I glanced at a worried Allister and concerned Master before meeting Fellorte's gaze and placed my hand into hers.

"Dark Star... your wound was tainted with mordekie. Whoever slashed you must have had the intention to weaken you." Faric said. I looked up at Allister.

"You wanted to weaken me? Are you that jealous?" I huffed, my vision blurring. I thought I saw my skin go grey for a moment, and I shut my eyes.

"What do you mean, me? I was watching you from the crowd. I'm proud of you, Dark Star." He whispered, massaging his shoulder.

"Golden Drop, explain yourself." A mighty growl shuddered into the room.

"I have done nothing but be supportive!" He yelled, and I winced.

"I stood in the crowd and wished him well, Master. I went into the Mass and wanted to get something for him in celebration but forgot that tomorrow is pastry day. Sir, I simply wished to gift him something. We have become so close. I would never hurt someone I consider a brother." He said in a low whisper.

"I saw you. You pushed me against the beam, cursed me, told me of your jealousy, and wished for my fall and failure. Golden Drop, I don't want to say it -- but I do not believe you." I said, the room stabilising again.

"Darky, I promise you I wanted to get you something. Maybe it was a higher rank jealous of you. Maybe they morphed into my form. They must know of our bond." He said, taking my other hand hurriedly and squeezing it reassuringly.

"I will lead an investigation and give my colleagues a warning. Dark Star, you must rest. Archmagistrate training is very different from Mage training. Be ready and be well." He said, allowing light back into the room after skulking off. I huffed, shutting my eyes. The trembling had returned.

"Darky?" Fell whispered. She must have noticed my long ear prick before she continued.

"Whoever did this to you and impersonated Golden, we'll figure it out together.

"Shrouded Will, please. May I speak to Golden Drop alone?" I whispered, still holding my shield up. My head was spinning when she shut the door. I still couldn't bear to open my eyes.

"Golden Drop, what happened?" I asked him. He took his place beside me.

"Darky, I don't know what you're talking about. I was in the Mass, wanting to get you something to eat. You skipped breakfast. That's not normal for you." He said softly. I felt his hand rest on my shoulder, and I flinched. He retracted it.

"Golden... are you jealous of my progress...?" I asked, opening my eyes. His gaze was soft and concerned.

"I am so unbelievably happy for you." He said, taking me into an embrace. Yet my distrust did not falter, but I melted into it and let my shield fall.

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