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One more week later, and on Kaylum's ten-month coma anniversary, I was brought to the Beneath again. This time, both Selvan and Herross accompanied us. Selvan and I had a conversation for a bit about sorcery and magikas. He was astounded by the sheer amount I possessed. He told me that I had about an eighth of what either he or Herross had. No other mortal had possessed that many magikas before. I presented him with Faric's medallion, and he gasped.

"So that's how so many magikas can persist in the presence of one mortal being! Fascinating! You know that half your magikas are in that now, right? That's not your original thought, is it?" He rambled.

"Not my original? Oh! You mean focus! No, it isn't. That one is with a friend of mine. I was hoping to get that back in a couple years, actually. Perhaps you wouldn't mind helping me?" I asked in a half-joking manner. Selvan insisted that it wouldn't be a problem.

"Master Hue." Herross called me, "If you wish to be less powerful, Selvan and I could help. It would help your control. I can sense your need for Relief." He explained, and I glanced away.

"No matter. We'll deal with this soon. Now, you need to be the one to use all of that excess power to help get Kaylum up. Channel everything into Physical magic. I've got the Mental, and Selvan has the Healing covered. We need to get him up soon. Otherwise, the window will be too narrow. Stasis doesn't last forever on death magic." He instructed.

We faced the dome and the frail body underneath. Then on Herross' count, we prepared our magic and pulsed it into the dome. Then again, and again. It took us hours of draining our magic until we finally got a response. I gasped, getting exhausted, but felt renewed by the reaction. Herross counted, and we blasted. Again and again, we pulsed our magic into the dome.

When black dots started to flicker in my vision, Herross finally fell silent, and I stumbled back and fell into a corner. I huffed, trying to concentrate my vision on the lantern across from me.

It felt like I blacked out for a moment, but I comprehended that the dome fell and that the Gods rushed towards the skeletal man, finally rousing. He was still covered in the veins of magic but seemed revitalised and confused. My vision went black when he looked at me.

What seemed like moments later, I came to and found myself slumped in a chair with a blanket over me and Kaylum clutching onto Herross' arm while trying to take little steps.

"Ah, good morning, Dark Star! You look better. Good news! It worked!" Selvan staggered towards me with a grin.

"It..." I cleared my throat and tried to get up, forcing myself up, even through the light-headedness.

I caught myself on Selvan and cast Strength to allow myself to stand without him. I smiled politely and waved at the bearded Flamewraith.

He huffed and managed a half-smile before taking another successful step.

After his session with Herross and after I'd taken some actual time to rest, he regained some energy.

"Hi there. I'm Kaylum. I heard that you played a big part in getting me back here, right? Thanks for that...." He said, sounding a bit bashful.

"I did. I'm glad you seem to be doing better. It's good to meet you. I've heard many good things about you from your friends." I explained.

He looked at me with a strange sort of fondness, a wistful haze glazed over his eyes for a moment.

"I heard... Thank you, Varitran. I can't wait to see Anthony and Lilith. I... She hasn't met me yet. I've heard so much about her while I was out. There's so much I want her to know about me because I already know so much about her. I'm looking forward to seeing her. It's... It's such a surreal feeling to know someone's there, know they're talking and know what they're talking about. I've been caught up. I just want to interact with everyone again, you know?" he mumbled for a while. When he remembered I was sitting across from him, he got a new shine in his eye.

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