Deep Down

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I came across the split Tanner mentioned while following the path farther out of the forest and towards the mountain's base. Taking the turn led to an hour-long walk and a somewhat secluded entrance guarded by tall Deep Osrocan in black armour, wielding halberds three heads taller than I was. I cleared my throat and imagined I was a seasoned merchant assistant.

"Morning!" I called out to them in the most cheerful voice I could manage. They blocked the way with their weapons and stared me down.

"Name, business, age and race." One barked at me. I smiled and slipped my satchel off my shoulder.

"The name's Dark One. I am the assistant of a merchant back in Braaksh, and he wanted me to make a run here for the bartender at The Graceful Goose. Her name is Grenther. I was hoping to make a bit of profit, too, selling some of my books." I said, showing him the contents of my bag and grinning.

"You look like you're on your tenth Life Cycle." The other added.

"Right! Sorry. 15th. I've been working with him for six Life Cycles, and I've learned his practice well. Teylar's got a good noggin on him." I said, donning my satchel and planting my hands on my hips. They narrowed their eyes.

"Tey's never mentioned an assistant, but maybe he's got some stuff he's unwilling to share. Fine. Head down the staircase but watch your step. You should follow the main road until you get to a vaguely crimson building among the dark ones. You'll find a sign with the head of a Goose on it. Word of advice, don't make eye contact with a Deep Osrocan lady who scowls at everyone she sees. She's on her 17th, I think. She's the best warrior we have. The 103 war made her that way, I think. She likes to frequent the Goose more than any other customer." The first one explained. The other stared at him with a puzzled glance.

"Whaaat? Zaraquiel is a mean one." He retorted.

"Of course, she was mean to you. You tried to flirt with her. You're lucky she didn't have your head right there and then." He growled, lifting his halberd. The other guard sighed and allowed me access into the Deepshrouds.

I descended into the treacherous cave, making sure to watch my step. One moment of lax concentration resulted in my downfall and stumbling onto the uneven walkway below me. With a quick wave of Hover, I saved myself from scrapes and blood. It wouldn't have been a good look for a well off merchant assistant. While I gracefully drifted down the path, a thought crossed my mind. I should stop casting anything. If anyone were to find out my rank, they'd be able to connect me to Westwine and the horrors that occurred there.

I dropped myself and trekked down the final few steps until the maw of the cave opened up into a massive cavern containing an entire city. I was on what I could only describe as a loft walkway. The view was breathtaking.

Ridged, crooked shafts rose high, reaching into the middle of the cavern but giving way to a view of a massive palace carved in the blackest stone I've ever laid my eyes on. Yet, it sparkled in such an astonishing glow that no matter where I looked, it would always draw my eye to its centre: a massive stained glass window that overlooked every single house in the vast expanse of tall buildings.

I pulled my hood over my face and continued on foot down the grand staircase and into the central city. Once on the same level as the streets, I scanned the buildings for the crimson building among the blackened brick. I noted the shaking in my hands and tried to suppress the nervous pangs continuously pounding at my chest. Maybe I needed something to ease that. Grenther ran a bar. Perhaps she had something strong to knock me off my feet and shut my mind up. Maybe I needed something to do that. I rushed hunched over through the streets until I stumbled after walking into a standing sign to my left. It had a goose head on it. If I didn't already look like a drunk finding the place, I'd look like one leaving and losing it.

I entered, immediately having the scent of hazelnuts sweep over me. Warm light bathed me, and I searched for the lady at the bar, where I found no one. I took a seat at the end of the bar and folded my arms on the counter. The image of a foreign, depressed child passing out at the end of a bar must have been pathetic. Maybe that's why I heard a voice from behind me.

"Are you dead?" A feminine voice huffed in a forced manner as if they took pity on my frailness. I looked up to make eye contact with a violet sea.

"Alright, good. How much have you had to drink? You look terrible." She growled. I chuckled to her surprise.

"I'm sober, but I hope not to be soon," I muttered, pushing my hair out of my face.

"White to black, huh? I prefer mine plain black." She said, glaring at my hair with a mocking stare.

"It's natural. Magical manipulation, I suppose you could call it." I said. Her eyes were so enchanting when her glare softened.

"Magic? Alright then. What spells do you know?" She prodded. I laughed nervously.

"I know a lot of them; I just can't get the hang of the light type," I admitted, spotting a burly woman walking through the entrance to the kitchen.

"Ehm, is that Grenther?" I asked, and the purple-eyed woman nodded, her glare returning. I grinned at her and added a quick thanks before turning to Grenther and having a little exchange and introductions.

"Thanks for Tan's message, Dark. You wanna buy your friend over there a drink?" She asked, nodding at the purple-eyed woman.

I nodded eagerly and grinned at her.

"That'll be 5 Geid for the Stockroot Beer." Grenther offered and I dug around in my satchel and placed the coins onto the counter.

Her eyes widened, then returned to a suspicious glare.

"Here! A guard told me that a lady with bright purple eyes and dark hair frequents this place a lot. You May as well make it an unusual evening then, right? What's your name?"

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