Catching Up

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"I told you that you'd be doing great things, only I never imagined you'd be a queen! I am so proud of you, my little friend. Well done, Young One." I told her. Her eyes stared at me so softly, with a fond and hazy recognition.

"You did tell me that, huh? Varitran... Welcome to Skladmir, old friend..." She whispered and placed a gentle hand on my face. The moment was cut short by a fireball being shot between Decoda and I.

I stumbled back and cast Shield, ready to throw Element back at the offender. When I looked, I was faced with a child with a sassy grin. She couldn't have been older than 5.

"Who's the new guy? I don't like his face." She jeered. Suddenly a man appeared beside her and a gust of wind seemed to come with him. He was hooded and grinning when he picked up the tiny, seemingly Beneathean girl.

"Hey Dec! Who's this?" The man asked. I noted that his hand was concealed by a thick leather glove when it presented itself to the sunlight.

"I am sorry. I don't know who you are, and the attitude of your child isn't the kind of greeting I feel comfortable with." I snarled at the girl.

"Lilith, what did you do?"

"What? I don't like his face." she muttered, pointing directly at my scarred neck.

The blond man placed the girl on the ground, to her protest.

"I'm Anthony. This is my daughter, Lilith. I'd introduce you to my husband, but he is... not doing well." He said softly. Anthony's cheerfulness seemed to have been snuffed out by the memory of his beloved.

"Yeah, he lives outside his room, in that hall" She said, then waddled off. I shifted uncomfortably.

"He's been in a coma for a few months... nearly a year." Decoda muttered, "Is there any way you think you could help?"

I nodded, hopeful of another chance to help someone.

First though, Decoda invited me inside and offered me food and drink. She brought me a set of clothes that were too small for me, but said that mine would return in perfect condition. And after the meal, that is exactly what happened. I'd even received a new pile of clothes among my old ones.

"I asked Selvan to help me out with that, because that tailor's been swamped and I really don't want him to get as overwhelmed as last time." she mumbled, finally taking a seat across from me.

"I cannot thank you enough, Decoda. Twice now, your town has helped save my life. I am truly grateful." I told her, stopping myself from asking for anything more. It was now my time to repay this kind soul, however long that may take. Perhaps then I would find a way to ask her for help, regarding my unfulfilled promises.

"I am more than happy to help you, Varitran. You were one of the sweetest people I'd ever known in that town. You helped me realise so many things about myself, though I'm upset that I didn't outright remember you for any of my time here in Skladmir, when all of my best dreams and worst nightmares came true, and now another dream's turned to reality." She whispered, folding her hands in her lap. She certainly wasn't dressed as a queen should be, clad in a simple white tank top and blue jean shorts that stopped just before the knee. She was barefoot, like me, and her hair was tied back into a simple ponytail.

"I am so happy for you, Young One." I whispered, giving her a small smile. Her eyes seemed so wounded now, like that childish innocence I'd remembered had been shattered so many tomes that what I now saw was the glimmer or shards, lay abandoned in the fresh grasses of spring.

"I... I still can't believe you're here. I barely remembered your face when I tried to recall it, but seeing you now, not a single day older than those faded memories show me, I feel like this is some sort of dream." Suddenly, with those words, the sweet single of blood struck my nose and I shot up and took on shallow breaths.

Once I glanced back down at her, I spotted its source. Dark claws had buried themselves into the olive skin of the girl across from me. I looked at her with confusion and horror.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this-"

"That's you..." my eyes flicked from her face, back down to the wounds she'd tried to conceal. I noted the heavy drip of a drop striking the wooden floor behind her. She took a step back at the coloured shift of my eyes and I did the same, not wanting to hurt her.

"Decoda, my friend... What... what happened to you. Your worst nightmares came true, you said, right? Please, I have a bit of experience in that matter myself. I just did not think it would effect such a bright young girl as yourself, who seemed so lively upon our last meeting. Did my departure really leave you that broken?" I asked, barely above a murmur. She shook her head and presented her hand, the bloodied scores had disappeared and I looked at her with a sort of mistrusting disbelief before taking her hand. Her soft touch immediately calmed me. I really wasn't used to how quickly she seemed to have grown and matured, and broken and mended.

Suddenly I watched as fire circled her like an inferno, as if it was racing up her body. Once the fire left her, a new woman stood before me. This woman had warm grey skin, long and curled black hair with horns that curled around her head and framed her face with their intimidating stature. Her face had gained new markings. two crescents framed each of her eye sockets and her forehead donned an inverted cross, from which four dots descended down the bridge of her nose. Three lines ran down her chin; two at either corner of her mouth, and one right in the middle. Her eyes were different too, that same glowing green now presented itself before a backdrop of navy. Behind her, Decoda unfolded massive bat wings that shone with a dark maroon in its structure, but the skin that spanned the gaps was more flesh like in colour.

"These are the Magikas you felt. Apparently I'm not Aslantian." she said, showing my the claws she's concealed a moment ago.

"So how did the scratching go? You said you wanted to kill a 'shadow dog'?" I asked, forcing a smile. She granted me one and turned to slash at the air.

"I take care of them all the time! Just yah! Get 'am right between the eyes!" she laughed, then shifted back into her Aslantian form. only then did I note that her pupils weren't Beneathean, like they should have been. I enjoyed seeing her younger side like that. She had been so enthusiastic in that moment, but the jovial chime of the moment was ripped away when the shrill cry of a baby filled the home and worry washed over her face.

"One second. I'll be right back... Actually, would you like to meet my son?" She asked softly. My face fell without my realising it.

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