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"Where am I?! Who are you?! Are you guards?" I growled at the two, one red-headed Wood Osrocan and the other a High Osrocan.

"Hey, hey, relax. This is Falx, he/him, and I'm Reilec, also he/him." The Wood Osrocan said, "We're not guards. We're residents, like you. Welcome to the cell. We're number 405. You'll need to know the number for the guards because they don't mark us. It's just trusted that you get back to the right cell."

"To be exact, it's Flax Ayen!" He announced proudly. "Ayen" meant Gem. I didn't think it fit him.

I stared at Reilec - Firey - for a long time before Flax stepped forward. I sent him back with Hold and growled at him.

"Wah! What did I tell you?! Seriously Flax? Don't just approach new people! You're lucky that was just Hold." He growled while helping Flax back to his feet. He hit Reilec in the side and gave him a glare, but that was the extent of their interaction until their attention was given to me.

I held Flax's gaze, challenging him to do that again. I'd barely even concentrated on the cell itself. I'd noticed it was bigger, but that was it. Reilec stepped in front of Flax and put his hands out in front of him. His gaze was much softer than that of his friend.

"Listen up, buddy, we won't hurt you. The fact that you came in here all cut up gives us less reason to do so. Whatever happened in Solitary Confinement must have sucked, but that's behind you. We're here to help you out, dude." He said softly.

"And what makes you think I can trust you?" I hissed at him. He gave Flax a look and then sat down on the spot. He held both his hands as if he wanted me to take them.

"Does it look like I can do any magic? I only have one conjure, and I never bothered to learn much more. I could never do what you did with Flax earlier. At best, it's like another arm." He laughed. He beckoned my hand over to him with his conjure, but I pulled away, breaking the spell instantly.

"Wow... I don't think anyone I know has Magikas that weak." I muttered.

He glanced at the floor and then back at me; some of his enthusiasm snuffed.

"Ehm... sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just don't know many people, and most of them are from a magic school. I-I mean, it's not a bad thing. Sometimes I wish I had fewer Magikas." I fumbled. He hissed out a little laugh and presented his hands once again.

I hesitated, then placed my hands in his.

"Use Mindscout." He whispered.

I took a deep breath and whispered the casting words. Then I was transported into his mind like they'd fused.

"Is he up there..?" I heard a voice smoother than his, echoing and distancing itself from me.

"I'm here," I told him aloud.

A few thoughts, little words, and half-finished phrases mixed with Osrocan and Common Tongue rushed up, then faded. The bombard of thoughts trickled into a few coherent, self-aware thoughts. He commented on my glowing eyes and listed my features and the sharpness of my face. He liked my hair and admired my posture. At least there wasn't anything negative in those subconscious thoughts.

I felt myself smile and listened to a charming enthusiasm in the back of his mind. He wasn't as bad as I first thought, at least. I'd grow to like him quickly, I thought.

In his conscious thoughts, I caught him wondering whether or not I liked him and Flax. That'd come in time, perhaps. Beyond that, I found nothing noteworthy in his mind, so I ended the spell.

"Reilec... why did you do...?" I trailed off, and his little laugh filled the cell.

"Why are you so nervous? Mindscout isn't that bad." Flax blurted out, "I mean, I know wound, and all it does is prick people."

Sorcery's Hue (A Malion Series Novel)Where stories live. Discover now