Falling From Grace

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While I learned, continuing to fail and becoming distrustful towards everyone I'd grown close to, I began to lean into the idea of Faric resenting me for something.

I read into anything he did too deeply. A small scoff was him getting closer to ending me. A curse under his breath from my failed spell was a realisation of my true power. A growl at a headache was meant to intimidate me into continuing to serve. I was getting too paranoid and started to skip lessons. With each class missed, he visited me more. To him, it was a sign of nurture and worry; to me, desperation to keep me in his grasp.

I had distanced myself so much from my friends and mentor that I would simply train alone. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't perfect the Glow spell for seven years straight, and I refused to learn another light type spell in its place. I was prideful, stubborn and overwhelmed with paranoia. So much so that I spent my 14th birthday alone and practising. No amount of wounds, failure or exhaustion would stop me from trying. Eventually, at the tail end of my last year there, I managed to contain the Glow spell and use it as intended... at least for a while. I kept as concentrated as possible until it again slipped out of my control and burst. At least I was satisfied enough with my efforts at this point to start attending classes again. Nearly all of the younger students thought I was new, despite having more white hair than black hair at that point and my newer bright yellow eyes.

I met Gracious Bloom and her little clique again, this time missing that Deep Osrocan... Jerellka, I think. I gave her a brief nod as I passed her. She narrowed her eyes at me, knowing my power and my progress. She was a level below me, also struggling. I'd grown taller than her, despite being younger than she was.

"Archmagistrate." Gracious Bloom called me. I turned to see her focus - a long staff - extended towards me. I stood calmly with a stone-faced stare.

"How many cycles." She said as if that was her way of questioning someone.

"14." That was my only answer. She glared at me and lunged, but I immediately dodged and struck her with a Hold before sending her into the wall without her focus.

"You may be 18, but you are still less powerful than I am, Goldmage," I growled.

"I yield!" She yelped, but I pushed her into the sturdy stone harder.

"You will never bother me, Fellorte Fenmart or Allister Frall, ever again. Understand?" I hissed, watching my skin grow paler as the darkness within me broiled up. She noticed the brightness in my yellow eyes fade to a deep purple, and only then did she viciously nod. I released her and continued down the hall without looking back at that hag.

I went to sleep that night thinking of the stark contrast between Gracious Bloom and my first meeting and this last one. I was so submissive and willing to resolve those conflicts. I had become someone who wouldn't listen to reason, absorbed negativity and was driven purely by paranoia and determination.

Before the sun had risen, I was awoken by Allister. He shook me by the shoulders with such vigour that I nearly shot a bolt of fire into his chest out of surprise.

"Shush! Shh! Under the bed. Right now!" He hissed, pulling me out of my bed. He made my bed and slipped under with me, covering my mouth.

After a bit, the door clicked open, breaking the deafening silence. I heard a very familiar gait cross the floor and noticed the tip of a sword that had been engraved into my mind. He slinked across the floor, checked the closet and behind the armchair, then left, shutting the door behind him.

Another long silence passed before Allister slid out from under the bed, allowing me to exit.

"Why was Faric holding his Rapier? Was he looking for me?" I whispered. Allister turned to me with a profoundly grave expression.

"We haven't talked in so long. He's been keeping me away from you. I know something I shouldn't, Dark Star." He warned, getting ready to slide back under the bed.

"Well? If it puts me in danger, don't you think I should know about it?" I pressed.

"Master Faric wants to kill you. He thinks you're far too powerful. If you set your mind to any of the other remaining light spells on your list, you'll become more powerful than he is. Your Conjures already overpower his, and you've nearly reached the stage where speech is unnecessary. You're just an Archmagistrate, Darky. Glow is literally the only reason you haven't been initiated into Silvermagistrate yet." He explained softly. I contemplated it for a long time before the pieces finally fell into place.

"So... he really wants me gone?" I mumbled to myself.

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