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I staggered down the hall and breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of my door. At times like these, I hated the placement of the room, which sat at the end of the hallway just before the turn down to Master Faric's office. It was such a far walk, and I was ready to collapse. The hallway seemed to get longer and longer by the moment.

I blinked and saw Allister sprinting down the hall towards me. He nearly collided with me as he gripped my shoulders with his claws digging into my skin. I yelped and shoved him away.

"Darky! Darky, listen to me. Come on! Wake up! There we go. Listen to me, Dark Star; something is seriously wrong with Master Faric. Our dear Kallioth has gone mad." Allister rambled. I managed to slip in a "what" under my breath before continuing his tirade.

"Goldmagistrate Roiven Faric is dead. He was killed at the hands of his own Father. Faric- Ah! Hello Master! Yes, I was just trying to wake up my dear brother so that he would be on time for your lesson, Sir." He said, pulling me into a side embrace. I growled at him, and he stepped away.

"Golden Drop... Are you alright? You seem far too upbeat and... out of breath. Are you ill?" He asked, leaning in to meet Allister's eye level. He grinned in response.

"Of course, I'm alright, Master! I have quite the spell to learn! Been up all night and have been making oh so much progress! I should get to class -- And Dark Star, please be careful. You look exhausted." He said and scampered off. I closed my eyes for a long moment before I heard Master's footsteps train off shortly before a pause.

"Dark Star? Are you coming?" He asked. I opened my eyes to see him turning to face me with his stern gaze.

"Sir, may I ask we cancel this lesson? I feel shaky, unstable and unwell." I admitted.

"Varitran, you've missed two already. Far be it for you to miss a third. If you can no longer continue, I will cancel; however, I would ask that you give it a try. You're not learning anything by sleeping, young one." He said, placing a firm hand on my shoulder. I sighed, closing my eyes and lowering my head.

"I will try my best, Master Faric."

I muttered the celestial words and swayed with my hands while I cast the new spell. A bright light filled the room and suddenly blinded both the master and me. While I cast it, searing pain shot through my head. Maybe it was my exhaustion, but I doubted that. I panted as I staggered to my feet and looked at Faric, who rubbed his eyes with one arm and held his staff with the other with a Stop spell wiring at its tip. I growled and told him I would try again, not saying anything and grasping my wand tighter. I cast it, and a small orb illuminated the room and exploded into a bright flash the next moment. I yelled out in frustration and slammed my fist into the table. I wasn't about to give up. Glow was among the only few spells I hadn't learned. I needed to master just one more spell before I could do some more Light type spells. Light was the hardest for me, maybe because Darkness came so easily.

"Dark Star. Take a break... and maybe a short nap. You look like you've been driven mad with exhaustion." He said with a slight chuckle before crouching down to my level. I realised that I'd been growing. I'd had a secret hope to be taller than Allister ever since we became friends. Faric looked at me and took me by the shoulders.

"Young one, what's gotten you so... disturbed?" He asked, dismissing all of the magic in the room and then his own. He placed his staff down and sat on the ground, then motioned me to do the same. I was cautious and stayed standing.

"Allow me to try one more time Master. I'll get it. I have to get this." I said, channelling my anxiety and my frustration into my focus. I lashed out with another orb and another blast, throwing a ball of elemental magic at the window, manifesting as a swirling ball of fire. Faric stopped the spell mid-blaze, and I allowed myself to flop into a cross-legged sitting position.

"Fine! Fine. I'll stop." I growled, tossing my focus aside and burying my face into my hands.

I felt Faric's hand on my head and flinched away.

"Are you that on edge? You usually love it when I do that. Varitran, please, whatever is bothering you, you know you can talk to me about it." He said softly, moving his hand to hover in front of me. I took it and buried my face in his palm. A pang of anxiety was overridden by the soft sense of safety I had with him. I hated that I doubted him, but nothing ever got Allister that riled up.

"Forgive me, Master. I am reeling at a rumour about the loss of Goldmagistrate Faric."

"My son? While he is no longer at the academy, he lives on Karmaro now, studying its magical patterns. He is safe. I know you two share a strong bond. He has left you a letter." He said with a small smile, "Now, you look awful. Let me take you to your quarters. I will wake you before your next lesson starts. See you then, Young One."

I never opened that letter.

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