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chapter two

┌─────❀◦❀◦❀─────┐chapter twoSUPERHEROES└─────❀◦❀◦❀─────┘

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PETER WAS LATE TO THE RESTAURANT, BUT NOT TOO LATE FOR IT TO BE EMBARRASSING. It didn't take Harper too long to recognize him. He was the only one who had a vintage camera hanging from his neck and a skateboard attached to his backpack, which Harper thought was cute. She liked his style. There was no reason to deny it.

When Peter saw the group across the window, sitting on one of the tables, he hurried to get inside. He walked straight towards them and not letting himself get stopped by anything on his way.

"Hey," he greeted the group as he pulled back the chair next to Harper, sitting down by her side. "I'm Peter... Parker."

"Hi Peter," Jane greeted him back with a smile. "I'm Jane, and this is my... friend John."

He shook hands with John before turning to see Harper. He leaned in towards her ear, whispering: "I thought you said he was her boyfriend."

Harper snorted, almost spitting out the water she was drinking. The girl cleaned herself with a napkin before turning to look at Peter with a tiny smile. "They are figuring it out."

"Oh," Peter said before giving a smile to the couple, which made it hard for Harper to keep a straight face. "What should we order?"

"Anything but whatever Harper wants," Jane said as she looked at the menu, making Harper scoff.

"Why?" Peter asked, turning to see the girl. "You have bad taste in pizza?"

Harper was about to defend herself when Jane interrupted. "Yes, she has, Peter. Yes, she has. Last time, I let her order pizza. There was avocado, caramelized onion, and a bunch of other stuff that even the delivery guy was disgusted with."

"You have to be kidding me," Peter whispered as Harper closed her eyes, embarrassed. "What else was in that pizza?"

Harper sighed. "I don't remember. I just recall throwing a bunch of ingredients that tasted great. It was an awesome pizza." Neither John nor Peter believed her. "I describe my taste as underrated."

"That's just a fancy way of saying it sucks," John mocked her, making everyone laugh.

"Okay, let's do this," Peter started, gaining the confidence she had no idea he had in him. "We will order two pizzas. One normal and the other one Harper-styled... and I will share with Harper."

"I wish you all the luck in the world, Peter," Jane said, making Harper roll her eyes. Harper didn't think she had poor taste in pizza. She liked all the different toppings they offered, and she could never decide which one to have.

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