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chapter six

┌─────❀◦❀◦❀─────┐chapter sixIDENTITY└─────❀◦❀◦❀─────┘

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THEY HAD BOTH FALLEN ASLEEP WATCHING THE MOVIE. In their defense, it was late and they both had been through a lot in the past days... one more than the other.

Peter woke up by a sudden movement Harper did, making him look towards the sleeping girl with tired eyes. She was asleep, with her ear against his chest, and the computer still on her lap. Peter put the computer on the table next to the sofa they were sitting on, trying to not make any sudden movements that would end up waking Harper up. He was good at being quiet.

He realized he had his arm around her, and the idea of staying like that with her for a bit longer crossed his mind several times. He could lie and tell her he never realized they had fallen asleep that way, but he refused after noticing he had been lying to her for a while now.

He was Spider-Man, and hiding that from her was killing him.

He remembered how it all started. That day, at Oscorp, he sneaked into one of the confidential labs and got bitten by an experimental spider. Now, he had these powers that he couldn't control most of the time. He had faster reflexes, his hands and fingers could attach to walls, and he could see everything slower, giving him more time of reaction.

After leaving Harper home that day after the pizzas, he stopped by one of the stores near his block to buy something, right when the five robbers came in. He put on one of the ski masks they sold on the store and fought the guys, knowing that it was best to remain incognito. He didn't want the attention, he never wanted the attention.

Well, he did want Harper's attention. That's why, when she decided to write that article on Spider-Man and got that stupid idea of separating to find crime in action, he didn't refuse. He had a well-hidden desire to save her. He thought that maybe that way she would fall in love with him. He had already designed his web-shooters, so it was also a good time to put them into practice.

Turned out, he didn't need to be Spider-Man to impress her. Sadly, he realized that too late.

He tried to impress her while being Spider-Man by pulling her towards on top of one of the buildings. He tried to show her how amazing he was, only to find out she already liked him for who he was. That was something he wasn't expecting.

Harper Cohen, the top student in Midtown, nicest girl in the entire country, and the prettiest woman in the world... liked him. Peter Parker: socially anxious, skater boy, nerdy, loner guy. She liked him for some reason he couldn't understand.

But he was lying to her.

After purposely throwing his coffee at Harper, he ejected and inserted the flash drive several times in the computer right in the middle of the files downloading, making it impossible for her to open them. He didn't want her to see him changing into the Spider-Man suit behind the stairs, even though he wasn't sure if it was even seen on camera.

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