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When lunch time comes Spencer and I stand in line while Harriet and Sarah secure us a table. Normally it is just the four of us at a table. I prefer it that way. I do not have to deal with the Barbie's and brats of the team. Sometimes if there is a big competition coming up the whole team will sit together and then it is just Spencer and I but today the four of us are sticking together. 

"What is she doing?" Harriet hisses as soon as we sit down and hand over their various lunch requests, glancing in the direction she is staring at I spot Alena standing in front of the cheer table, smiling at the team. I think my breath lodges in my throat, this is the first time I have seen her smile today and it seems slightly forced. "She can't just sit with the team, they will never-" She gasps in horror as their table shifts, making room for Alena so that she can sit. 

I feel bad for her, I truly do but I am happy that Alena isn't being ostracized just because she is from the rival team. "I mean, they are just being kind." I try take the peace route but Harriet simply huffs and looks down at her lunch. Muttering about things under her breath. "Besides, she has a broken arm, she can't be on the team." This seems to placid her.

"You are right."

The lunch continues and I leave early to make sure the library has the book I want for English before heading to class with the bell. I try dive through the masses of students , trying my best to navigate the massive school. 

Diving into the English door I crash into Sarah's back and because she has balance she remains straight while I go sprawling on the floor with an embarrassing squeak and because today seems to want to laugh in my face my face lands inches away from black high heels. Not for the first time I am glad I didn't wear a dress. 

"You good?" Sarah is amused but I am not, embarrassment pools in my belly when I glance up into those intense orbs, they seem to draw me in unexpectable ways. "Harp?" Sarah yanks on my arm so I am pulled upwards, rising in an awkward jumble of limbs and clothes and books. 

"Fine!" I sound like I have been running to class and it was exhausting. "Hi!" I say cheerfully to the tall beauty in front of me, trying desperately to appear cool and collected." What brings you to our neck of town?" I cringe at the southern accent I adopt, why can this not go as smoothly as the last time. Maybe because she is here unexpectant. 

"School." Her voice is still as smooth as honey but it seems as cold as the winter that is sure to hit us. "You dropped your bag." She nods to the floor where my bag as spilled and various random objects have fallen out, including my sanitary products and the art journal I do privately lays sprawled for everyone to see. 

"Oh Shit." I lean down to gather everything but it seems she has the same idea and my skull knocks against hers in an agonizing thud. "Fuck!" I am louder than I mean and the whole class goes deathly silent as the door opens, the teacher paused in our midst. 

"Harper!" Sarah hisses, surely embarrassed to be seen in association with me. She quickly gathers my stuff and shoves it into my arms, dragging me to my seat. I manage to send an apologetic grimace to Alena but she only looks on, Hand still holding her head. 

"You must be Ms Reed."  Mr Carter speaks in his usual British accent. "Please, tell us your favourite novel before taking a seat next to our resident toilet mouthed student." If I could sink further into my desk I would as everyone snickers. This day is truly not going my way.

"Emma." Her honey voice is clear and lyrical.

"Why is that Ms Reed?" He seems amused as to the answer .

"It clearly depicts human nature to get into things that do not concern them," I think everyone's jaws drop at her obvious jab towards the teacher but he merely seems amused "Can I take my seat now?"

"By all means." He is definitely amused and waves her away before diving right into the lesson. I hold my breath as she takes a seat next to me. I feel her heat the moment she sits. Her scent, thick and flowery embracing me in my spot. I want to move closer but it seems like she is doing everything in her power to  sit as far away from me as possible. 

"I am Harper."

"I know." So she does remember me. 

"I saw you at the Ken house." That gets a reaction, an eyebrow lifts as she tilts her head slightly in my direction "You know, dream house Ken, volleyball."

"I know, Harper." my name on her lips is like getting my birthday present early. 

"Oh, it is just earlier- you made it seem like you didn't know who I was."

She turns then to face me and I cringe at the impassive look on her face . Her eyes seem closed, like the pool has been drained. " And do I really?" I frown but she isn't done "I think it is best that you forget about that."

My heart seems to be cliff diving, from its furious beating at her proximity, it is now lying shattered on the floor. "What, why?"

"Because, it was of little importance. Here you are Harriet's twin, nothing more."

"You are going to try steel her team." The realization dawns on me like a brick to my face. "Why?"

"Because I can." She turns away from me then and I am left feeling as small as the little crunched up paper that lies next to the bin in the corner. She is here to steel Harriet's team. Did she transfer because our team was better than her last one?  She would go to those lengths to be the best? to be the captain of the best. Was her befriending me all for that. To get closer to her enemy? 

I am frozen from within and her presence no longer sends butterflies scurrying in my belly. I know what the Captaincy means to Harriet, how hard she has had to work for it. How the girls like her. There is no way I am going to let Alena Reed walk in and take over. Not my sister. 

"I will not let you." My voice is hard and she turns, smirk on her face as she eyes me up and down. 

"Oh yeah, you are going to stop me?" I feel the insult deep into my core. When we realize our fairy tale is actually a plot of evil and sinister beginnings we can not help but be a little broken hearted. This isn't a fairy tale and Alena Reed is no princess.

"With my last breath." My loyalty lies with Harriet. It always will.

"Good luck buttercup." I grit my teeth through the rest of the day and when I get home I shove on my gloves and head to our basement where I happily pound at the punching bag, pretending it is Alena Reed's annoyingly perfect face. Harriet had cheer practice so I only have to fetch her later. I pound the bag in anger and frustration from the day. That I let myself be fooled by her coy attitude. I will not go down without a fight so Alena Reed better watch out.

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