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Suddenly I am reverted to the start of the current state in my life. I am in a gymnasium. Watching hoards or cheerleaders stretch and flip. I have a handful of candy and Spencer is by myside. He is currently flipping through something on his iPad and paying little attention to anyone around him. My eyes scan the area and I spot the sea of green in one corner. They are eyeing our team, more specifically the fact that Alena is now officially part of the team.

"They look like they are going to kill her." Spencer looks up, at the prospect of murder he is suddenly interested, not the half naked girls rushing around. He follows my gaze and merely shakes her head.

"And the one you spat on is looking ready to kill you." Sure enough she is glaring at me in the back, I wave cheerfully and which her scowl widens. "Maybe do not antagonize her."

"Please I can take her." I am distracted as to the method when Alena, Sarah and Harriet head over, they are still in their school tracksuit. Having merely come out to stretch.

"Are you coming to help with makeup."

"Sure thing Babe." Spencer says with a smile and he earns himself an eyeroll. "Oh you meant Harper." I slip off the bench, shoving some sugary goodness into my mouth. "Better take her away before she gets into trouble." They follow his gaze to the target and I grin when they turn back in my direction.

"Can't say I am not tempted to spit." Alena and Spencer snort in amusement while Harriet and Sarah are in the dark. I never did tell them what happened the first time we met. "Anyways, lets go get you guys covered up." Harriet is still telling me off as we enter the room fill of her Barbie's.

"Can you Help Betty and Jenna." Harriet indicates to the corner where they are sitting on their phones.

"Can't I have like Faye or Ellie, they are far more tolerable."

"They know how to do their makeup and hair, Harper." Sarah rolls her eyes, she has still not gotten over me hanging up on her.

"You know I should start charging for my services, I would be rich." I say eyeing the line of clueless Barbie's. I get shoved in their direction by Sarah "Love you too, Bitch." I mutter before heading in their direction. I work for half an hour, doing a million different hair and makeups. Turning to get the last Bow I spin around, I expected to come face to face with another plastic but instead those deep eyes greet me, my cheeks flush.

"You need help doing your hair?" It comes out strangled but what am I supposed to do when she is here, in all her barely there outfit, her smirk of confidence and perfect makeup afflicting my senses.

"Yes, I am clueless in that department." She is teasing me, the hand that is on my knee is evil. I narrow my eyes at her "Please?" she cocks her head in an innocent fashion and with a shake of my head I stand behind her, gathering her soft hair into a pony. I want to run my hands through it for ever but Harriet is rushing everyone to be done so I do what I have to do. Placing the bow in once I have curled her pony enough.

"Thanks." She stands up, towering over me, looking over my face. "You okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Earlier, with-" She waves her hand in the supposed direction of the gym.

"I can handle myself. "I blow off with a huff because I can. I do not get the chance to see if she believes me as one of the Barbie's ruined her makeup and Harriet rushes me to her aid before pushing me out to go and Find Spencer.

"Oh look, the llama." I am stopped in my tracks by a hoard of green cheerleaders. Looking around I realize somehow they have managed to get me on my own. I guess now is my chance to prove that I can handle myself.

"Sup." I nod at their sneers, trying to create a friendly smile even though my stomach is in knots. "By-gone's and all, yeah?" I do not think they are taking the olive branch.

"Why are you even here, this is the players rooms."

"Just a-" I am stopped from explaining when the leader moves and suddenly I am pushed hard onto the floor. My but and lower spine aching. "Fuck."

"Stay out of our way." They file past me, leaving me crippled for a minute before I manage to drag myself back up and into the gym, hobbling towards Spencer's concerned face.

"What happened?"

"I got jumped, fuck it hurts." I do not need tears right now but I fell hard, I can take on one cheerleaders but 15 of them? That is just unfair. Besides, I barely have an ass so the force of the push and hard floor and I am sure I am severely bruised. "I think I broke my butt."

"Ouch, here sit on the jackets." He places his and Harriet's winter coat on the bench and helps lower me onto the bench. "Was it the ferns?"

"Yes." I grit out, trying to shift but the pain is actually horrible. "Stupid cheerleaders and their stupid bitchy attitudes, I can't."

"Do you want to go home?"

I do, but I also want to be here to support Harriet and Alena. I do not want to appear weak.

"It is fine, I can wait." I sit and watch everyone for the next two hours and by the time everyone is done I am stiff and my lower back is aching. "Okay I am going to head to the car. Meet you there?"

"Sure, be careful." I nod, slowly standing up and turning with the crowd. I want to make it to the car before Alena and Harriet come out to see me limping, a scene is not something I want. My thought will be that everyone will be getting changed and I will be surrounded by only the spectators but clearly on a Friday everyone wants to clear out as fast as possible and suddenly Alena and Harriet are by my side.

"Why are you waddling?" Harriet is confused.
I frown, hating the analogy that makes me sound like a duck.

"I fell." Spencer who appears a second after scoffs and I glare at him.

"Did someone do this to you?" Alena demands and I shrug, my goal is get to the car.

"They pushed her." Clearly Spencer is not on my side on this.

"Who pushed you?"

"Ferns." I mutter, pulling at Alena's arm when she appears ready to go back and find them. "I am fine, lets just go home." It takes a pleading look and a grimace of pain before she nods, curling an arm around my waist and supporting a lot of my weight to the car. Spencer drives and I slip into the back seat with Alena. The car seat is on one side so we are squeezed against each other. I do not mind. She keeps shifting worried glances my way but after I have assured her I am merely bruised there is not much else I can do. Besides, this is not like the last time we will be seeing them. I do not want to make a bigger deal out of it, they can clearly be vindictive and I do not want that turned against Harriet or Alena. The cheerleading business is cutthroat.

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