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The bleachers are uncomfortably hard and rigid , sitting and watching the team practice while trying to complete my homework, stopping the wind from taking my homework every two seconds. When I heard that Alena was watching the practices I decided I would to. Incase she tried anything. So far she merely observed but I knew that was dangerous. Harriet had flipped sides, unaware of Alena's master plan, she decided to do the sportswomen thing and let her watch when she found out she never intended to join the team. 

Lying skank. I angrily erased my answer and penciled in the correct one. How could this be happening. I turn my head as my sister calls another formation. She is giving away all their secrets. She wouldn't listen when I tried to tell her and now she is only hurting herself. I look around wishing there was a distraction. Spotting the coach to the side I grin. Harriet loves Coach P but everyone knows she can talk you to death at any subject she finds interest. 

Smiling I hop over to the bleacher right next to Alena, ignoring her eyeing me in annoyance as I wave coach over she smiles coming over.

"Harper, so nice you are coming to support your sister."

"Yes, I am her number one fan.' I grin "But you know Alena here was just asking me if I knew anyone into sports medicine who can coach her through getting her arm better once the cast comes off and I knew you would have the perfect advise, you can even show her your certificate in your office!"

"-I don't think that-"

"-Absolutely, Alena you are more than welcome, come along and I will explain on the way!"  I simply grin at the bird Alena flips me behind coaches back. A part of me hating how attractive she looks despite her enemy status. I am satisfied when Coach only makes it back with a bad tempered  Alena once Harriet has stopped their tricks and is on fitness. Which is pretty much torture. 

As coach heads towards the girls Alena scowls in my direction. I merely grin and lean back as she sits down in her original spot. I wish I had sunglasses for this moment. 

"That was a new found torture." Alena seems to forget that I am enemy number one as she mutters under her breath.

"Don't mess with my sister."

As if remembering her face hardens as she glares at me "I thought you hated 'Barbies' so you shouldn't care about whether Harriet is Captain or not."

"Harriet is different." 

"How." I watch Harriet, leading the team with a smile on her exhausted face, doing her best to be a motivator, a leader and a friend and she is great at it. She shines on the field. When we were younger and she first started struggling in school we never knew if we would graduate together because the teachers wanted to hold her back a year. But after having a tutor daily, a grueling summer school she passed the grade. I remember how unhappy and down she was. I would wait on the stairs as she finished her lessons or came back home. Her back was bent, her pigtails looked sad and droopy. She barely managed to smile when my mom tried her best to make her favourite meals. Btu she did it so that we could be in the same grade together, even if being held back a year was the easier option.

It was the first time a difference between us was so drawn out, I couldn't help her but I could feel her pain. After that summer my parents gave her what she always wanted. Cheer lessons. After that no matter how many tutors or teachers picked out her learning issues. Well, it didn't matter because at the end of the day she had cheer. It was her saving grace. It still is. It is one of the only times I see her completely in her element. She does not have to concern herself with whether she fits in, whether she is smart enough. She just belongs. 

So Harriet is different from those Barbie's. She cares so deeply and means so much to me that I will do anything if it means my sister can feel valued. 

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