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"Drink!" I yell grinning at the opposing team, I have been playing for a while and I can feel the buzz of electricity running through my veins. I have also drunk a lot more than usual but I am having a blast and Alena, my teammate is too. Although I do not think she has drunk as much as me I can tell she is tipsy by the ease in which she throws an arm over my shoulder. How she yells at the other team and cheers when she gets a ball in the cup. Her cast, which is coming off soon, is no hindrance to her aim and we are the standing champions. While I seem to get worse with aim hers improves.

"Seriously, Harper." Lorenzo yells as his partner downs her drink.

"Don't be a sore loser!" I yell jumping up as he takes the ball and moves to throw it bounces , missing our cups. I grin, taking the ball that has been handed to me. "Blow on it!" I turn to Alena whose eyes are glazed over in a happy sheen. She leans over and sensually blows on the ball. I smile happily, turning and tossing it. It bounces on the rim and Lorenzo yells happily. The girl takes the ball and manages to get the ball into one of our cups. I groan but down the drink before Alena can take it from me. Her turn. She grins at me, I see her usual fire sparkling as clear as day as she leans over and her lips, warm and soft graze my ear and the flames are transferred. "This one's for you, Harp." Clearly knowing my irritation for nicknames she takes a step back, turns and over her shoulder throws. Everyone watches, jaws dropped as the ball makes a perfect arch and lands with a plop in their cup. There is silence before the room is shuttered with a roar of awe and approval. We win once more. Looking at Alena I can't help but let out a loud laugh and throw myself at her, arms around her neck as I squish our bodies together. relishing in her own arms that wrap easily around my back and lift me off the ground as if I weigh no more than Emma.

"Another round?" I move to nod my head but Alena shakes hers and leads me a little away in front of the table, receiving pats on her back and congratulations as we go.

"Where are we going?" I ask lazily, allowing her to take my hand and lead me through people, no one pays us any mind, enjoying the buzz that comes with unlimited alcohol and a night of no cops. All the surrounding streets are blocked for trick or treating.

"For some air." Her voice is clear and I nod. Opening the door we are hit with an icy breeze, our breaths instantly clouds before us. Despite the crowdedness of the house the garden is virtually empty. A few couples in the corner and someone puking but we easily pass them and head towards the little rose garden behind a tall wall of leaves. The moon light and the twinkling fairy lights hanging everywhere make it magical. I look at the lights, smiling at the sky as we come to a halt in the middle of the garden. "Are you cold?"

I draw my attention back to earth, smiling as I shake my head at her query. Looking around I see all the beautiful roses. "Wow." I whisper in awe at the different colors, I do not need to get closer to smell the sweet aroma coming off each flower. "It is so beautiful."

"You like flowers?"

I nod, fingers coming to brush the velvety feeling of the closest deep red rose. She is silent and when I look over she is looking at me, her eyes reflecting pure desire and awe. I swallow, my throat parched at the gaze and why it is directed at me, like I am something to be in awe of. Barely. My hands move to my pouch to drown my anxiety in sugar but her warm hands catch them. "No."

"I need-"

"-Not now." she repeats and I breathe in, the cold air sharp in my lungs, my heart beating erratically. "Look at me." As if pulled, compelled by her voice I do. My eyes meeting hers, my throat bobbing. Is she going to kiss me? Her eyes are flickering over my face. I want to fidget, want to fill my mouth because the way she is glancing at me makes me feel bare. Like I have been striped before her gaze and she likes it.

"Alena." Her name is whispered from my lips, voice cracking , nerves wrangled and unsure. I need her to say something, do something.

"Harper." My name on those red lips, the cherry lips, the devilish plump demons I have wanted to touch since I first laid eyes on them. Her fingers release one hand but I do not move as they move to my jaw line, caressing the skin as she tilts my head closer. "Can I kiss you?" She is pleading, begging, wanting and I can merely nod.

Milliseconds or centuries pass before her lips descend and suddenly I am flying over rivers, damns, oceans. My heart is there skipping stones and climbing trees. My lungs are doing acrobatics. They move and their warmth encompasses me. I feel embraced even if the only contact is our faces and when her tongue demands entrance to the embrace I let it. Dancing in a way my body seems to know, like those steps were there all along. I am gasping, trying my best to hold on to the need to breath but with a short chuckle Alena leans away, her hand on my fiery cheek. All her fire is cursing through my veins. My cheeks are the only indication of it.

"Breath, Harper." She is teasing me, I know she is but I am beyond words. Muttering nonsensical words and bringing my hand up to touch my swollen lips. Will they ever recover? They will have to and fast because she is approaching again. I watch, eyes wide as she steps closer, hands wrapping around my waist and pulling me around so I am on my toes as she breathes against my lips. "You okay?"

I want to shout no, how can I be okay after that kiss. I feel like I have stepped into another dimension but I want her to do it again so I simply nod, with a grin her lips are back where they were meant to me. Locked with mine and dancing to their own rhythm. 

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