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"We are going on a sister date." Harriet waltzes into the room and I look up at her from where I was attempting to do my homework and not stare at Alena who is sprawled on my bed, scrolling through Instagram.

"Now?" It is Wednesday.

"Yes, I feel like we haven't talked in forever, besides our parents approved." She sits by Alena's legs "And you better dress up!" I frown since I am still in the outfit I wore to school, baggy sweats and a hoodie. She seems to follow my train of thought "Change, you look homeless."

I scowl before standing up and dutifully heading for the closest. "What must I wear?" There are so many options and half of them are because Harriet uses my closest for extra storage space.

"Alena will help you, I give up!" There is silence on the other end before I hear the unmissable scoff of Alena. However, despite her obvious show for my sister she appears in the cupboard two seconds later. Dark eyes scanning the contents of the closest. I am suddenly struck by the context of us being 'in the closest' and grin. She lifts an eyebrow.

I spread my arms as if to imply and wriggle my eyebrows. "You are a child." Is the only response I get but I see her lips twitch so I know she is not really annoyed. She fingers some clothes before hanging her head out the closest "Where are you guys going?"

"To dinner at Tony's." Tony's is fancier than your average diner but it is still casual wear. Alena turns and goes back to looking over the outfit choice.

"I am fine in what I am wearing." I mutter leaning against the draws as I watch her pick some of my skinner dark jeans. She turns to me, scanning my outfit so my cheeks heat up as her pools of fire meet my own. Suddenly she is up in my space, breathing my air.

"Well I think you look cute," My cheeks colour "But Going on a date requires you to dress up."

"How would you know?" I ask cheekily wanting to know more about her knowledge on the dating world. She smirks as if catching on to my curiosity. Leaning in further her breath brushes over my trembling lips.

"I have been on a few." How can her heart breaking words seem to send fire right down to my core. I am not sure what to say as my hands clench on my sides. She smirks before pulling away and snatching a cardigan with flowers on it and a white long-sleeved, pairing it with my slightly heeled winter boots.

She pairs it all my my favourite daisy chain, a infinity scarf and some loop earrings. I must admit her choice is not far from what I would choose if I was making an effort. She seems to know my style while still adhering to Harriet's version of 'dressed up'. Suddenly something sparks inside of me and with the confidence I did not know I have a speak up, in a quiet but firm voice.

"Go on a date with me."

"You asking or telling?" Alena's voice is soft but even with her back to me I can hear the quiver in it, she hides it well but weeks of analyzing everything she says I know it well.

"Both?" She spins and I am stopped by the smile on her face. She is flawless. "What?"

"You are cute when you try to be all serious and demanding." My cheeks colour as I clutch the ends of my hoodie. Walking closer she shoves the outfit choices into my arms but doesn't move away. "But I would like that."


"Yes." She nods, appearing confident when my insides are crawling with nerves. "But first you better go on this one with Harriet before she drags you." Leaning forward she surprises me by placing a soft kiss on my forehead and spinning heads out the closest. I am an internal mess until Harriet yells at me to hurry up. My forehead still buzzing as we head to the car and I drive us to Tony's.

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