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I am having a blast. I have won two plushies, one which I gave to Steve who was pouting because his aim is terrible and the other to keep. It is a purple monkey the size of my palm. I have eaten cotton candy, corn dogs and popcorn and I am on a high. Steve is nothing but friendly and seems to over come whatever shyness afflicted him so it is easy to talk to him.

"Another tornado?" He is grinning at me and I nod because I could go on that ride over and over again. Heading for the line he casually throws an arm around my shoulder and while I do not feel sparks at his touch there is a comfortable warmth that embraces me. I smile into the embrace as it does well to ward off the cold air.

"I bet you I can win the basketball game." I eye him after we just got done with the third tornado ride.  

"Are you joking? because your aim is terrible."

He sticks his tongue out at me and I grin.

"Fine, what happens if I win?" I hand the guy three token so we each get three balls. 

"You chose the next snack stop?" 

"Fine, and while unlikely, what happens if you win?"

He thinks for a minute then smirks in my direction and if I was anyone else I would be swooning at the little dimple that I have not noticed before. "Ferris wheel." I have been resisting the whole night because it seems too romantic but he has insisted he loves the Ferris wheel and will gladly ride it for the rest of the evening. "Fine but prepare to loose."

That is how he ends up getting me a large scoop of ice cream as we head to the car. The latest plushie clutched under my arm, a tiger. It suits Alena. He blasts the music that I told him I like on the way home and I grin, letting the in the icy wind  through my loose hair as I belt along to the lyrics, feeling as carefree as I could possibly until we pull in front of my house and Steve grins, hopping out and following me to the door.

"Thanks, I had fun tonight." I say grinning and waving the plushies in front of his face. He smiles.

"Me too, "He steps closer and I fall silent, realizing what he is doing. "I Enjoy spending time with you."

"Thanks!" I rush out, stepping around him, hand on the door as I smile back at him "See you on Monday!" Quickly opening the door I maneuver around it and quickly shutting it, collapsing against the other side. I may have wanted to go out with him but him kissing me? no thank you. Lifting my eyes up  I see my dad shaking his head at me.


"Poor guy, you need to tell him you are not into him." I scowl at his sympathy. "Do not look at me like that, you are turning into a real heartbreaker."

"I hardly think that is true!" I protest and he just raises his eyebrows, Alena chooses that moment to come down the stairs in her pj's. She notices me on the floor but nodding to my dad ignores me and heads for the kitchen. He raises his eyebrows further as if daring me to contradict.

"I am going to bed, all the teenage drama has me exhausted."

"Dramatic." I mutter as he heads upstairs and I slowly make a move to stand and clutching the two plushies move into the kitchen. Alena has a glass of water in her hand and is sipping it. Eyes focused on the window outside. I see Steve through it, he runs a hand through his hair before jumping in the car and driving off. 

"Have fun?" Her voice is cold and I cringe when I detect a inch of hurt behind it. 

"Yes, but it wasn't like a date."

My protests are feeble. "Does he know that?" Alena directs her intense eyes on me, eyeing the two plushies. "He win you those?"

"No," I scoff holding up the tiger until she hesitatingly takes it. "His aim was shit, I won those."

Her icy extra breaks a millisecond as her lips twitch, examining the tiger. "For Emma?"

"For you." I correct and she raises her head suddenly, eyes raking over my face, which I am sure is flushed. "I wanted to have fun tonight because everything has been, intense and I didn't want to make it worse." 

"What?" She is frowning again and I sigh.

"I didn't want to overwhelm you with questions and like my presence so when Steve gave me an out I thought I would take it."

"Why would you overwhelm me?" Clearly I am not explaining this right. She waits as I try gather my words.

"I have never been in a relationship and then Halloween," I am sure I am red as a tomato "Then everything with your parents and Emma, I guess I just didn't want to find out whether I was like a casual drunk thing, Don't know if I could handle that but I didn't want to push you for something you were not ready for yet so yeah."

"Harper, is this your round about way of asking me out?"

"What?" I am beyond flustered, not sure if the butterflies are in my belly or in my head. 

"My last 'relationship' was with Emma's sperm donor, Harper." I nod wondering where she is going with this.  " I wasn't, at Halloween that wasn't a casual thing for me."

"Oh." I nod, feeling light and heavy all at once like something fiery is cursing through my veins. She was not just messing with drunk me. "I just thought I imagined- the beginning then-" I hate that my mind is running circles around me. 

"I am sorry Harper." Her hand, long fingers and electricity rest on my cheek, bringing my gaze to her sincere orbs. "I know I messed you around, I regret it."

That is all I need before I am nodding and hugging her, trying to fold myself into her as much as possible. She is warm and electric and comforting all at once. 

"I will talk to Steve." I assure her in a mumbled fashion and as I pull away I am rewarded by her fantastic smile. 

"You better, I am not good at sharing."

"Weren't you just telling Emma that sharing is-"

"-Hush." A finger is over my lips and not only do I stop talking I stop breathing as she leans closer to my face her grin teasing. Her eyes search mine, smiling more before pulling away "We should get to bed." 

Disappointed I follow her to the other side of my room door. She turns around and stops in front of my door. "This is how you end a 'date'" She leans down and captures my lips in a swift and swoon worthy kiss. It leaves me breathless as she pulls away. Winking she glides down the corridor and disappears into her room. Somehow I recover and make it to flop into bed. Kicking off my shoes in a dreamy state. Realizing a little late that Harriet is curled up in my bed. Watching me with wide eyes.

"What the fuck, Harper."

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