Falling Apart

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William sat in the office at work trying his best to listen in on a conference call.  It was hard to focus on the call since his mind was on his date with Melissa.  Tomorrow was going to be fun.  It was an official date between him and Melissa and it would appear that they were both very excited.  

After the conference call, William finished work and went to clock out.  Colby was coming in and pulled William to the side.

"Hey Free Willy!  Look man, I know you are going to have a whale of a time tomorrow but man I need a favor.  Look, me and Janet are going to Virginia to go see her mom for her mom's birthday and we need a catsitter.  Now I don't know what you have planned for your date but if you wanted, you could bring her back to the apartment and enjoy some "alone time" if you know what I mean"

"Come on man!  We are not doing anything like that and you know it.  It is our first actual date, not some freak occurrence.  But, it would be nice not to have to go to my place or hers after we get done at the beach.  So I guess I can do some catsitting."

"Thanks Willie, my man!  I can't wait to hear about your date when we get back! I love you man!"

William just rolled his eyes at his best friend as he turned and headed toward the exit and his uneventful drive home.


Today was an absolute disaster!  First, she had overslept so she missed her statistics exam and then forgot to turn in her English assignment.  She was proud of the work she had put into her assignment and was needing that grade to bring up her failing grade.  Now she will need to get a lot of help if she was going to graduate in the spring with her classmates, something her parents never did.  She wanted to be the first more than anything.  

Then, Lance seemed to give her the cold shoulder the entire day.  What was going on?  She hadn't done anything wrong.  But yet he was acting like they were going to break up.  She can't let that happen.  Not after everything they have been through.  Fifteen years of being best friends followed by 3 years of being his girlfriend, of him being everything to her.  He even saved her life twice.  The first time happened at the river when a tree fell on her and held her under the water.  He was the one who pulled her out of the water and resuscitated her and was her first kiss.  The last time was their freshman year when she started to do some less than reputable things to help her family.  She was not proud of what she did but a girl has to survive somehow, right?

But now, he looks like he lost everything, that he thinks that she doesn't love him.  The plan for now is for them to be going to his grandparents' beach house in Florida next week.  And the way his mother has been acting when she has been over to his house.  Lance had something huge planned more than likely and this cold shoulder was just an act to drive her nuts before the surprise.  Or that's what she hoped.


After swiping the latest text notification from Kim away, Lance stared up at his bedroom ceiling.  

"What are you thinking about baby?" Said some blonde cheerleader knelt between his legs.  He didn't know her name.  Was it Samantha?  Madison?  Eh, it didn't matter to him.  He was angry with Kimberly and needed to take it out on someone.  

The girls practically threw themselves at him at United High.  He was never a cheater, or at least before HE came along, Billy.  What did she see in that guy?  He could be some old creep who lives in his parent's basement or worse, he could be one of those sex trafficker guys.  Either way, he was ruining his plan with Kimberly.  

She had been his friend for their entire lives.  They knew each other inside and out.  He was crushed when he found out what she had been doing freshman year.  He asked her out everyday because he wanted her to stop doing those things.  She finally said yes on New Years Eve and they shared their first real kiss under the fireworks at the river.  Things had been amazing with her, he even had a ring in the drawer of his night stand that he planned to give her.

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