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<2 Days Before the Big Weekend>

Looking up at the ceiling when he woke up, Billy could not believe the last 48 hours.  He told Kim the truth and had gotten the obvious block that ha had expected all along.  What he had not expected was her coming back into his life, nor did he expect her to want to continue being his girl.  He looked over at his phone to see Kim looking back intently at him, her hazel eyes shining from the reflection of her phone.

K:  Good morning Master.  

B:  Good morning my love.  *kisses your lips*  Did you sleep well?

K:  *kisses your lips a light moan escaping as we kiss*  Yes.  I never thought I would sleep as well as I did after what you told me yesterday.

B:  Yeah.  Look I am sorry.  I had intended so many times to tell you but whenever I attempted, it just seemed like the worst timing.

K:  Well, we need to talk about the party.  We CANNOT let it come out that you are 34.  We need to make sure my family thinks that you are 20 and keeps it that way.  They already will think it is bad enough that you are living in another state.  They would probably kill you if they knew you were twice my age.  *kisses your lips again*

B:  I really wish we didn't have to lie to your family but I get it.  Maybe someday the truth can come out to them.

K:  Exactly.  So if anyone asks, you added me on Snap as a quick add and we started talking.  One thing lead to another and you are coming to see me because I am your girlfriend.

B:  Gotcha.  I did want to talk to your parents before the party to clear the air about everything.

K:  NO.  We are going with this and when you get back to Delaware we are going to have a major discussion about our future together.  But for now, I need you to show me how much you love me and don't stop or else we will not talk until you get here in a couple of days.  *bites your bottom lip as I straddle your lap*

B:  With you, I don't ever want to stop.  *kisses and lightly nibbles on your collarbone*

<Kim's POV>

Just as things started getting good and romantic with Billy, Kim's mom entered the room.  Usually she had a glare like someone poured spoiled milk in her coffee, but today she had a strange grin plastered on her face.

"Make sure you invite Billy to your graduation party.  Your father and I can't wait to meet him."

With those two sentences, everything was ruined.  She never told her mom Billy's name or anything really about him.  How did she know?  This was bad.  They had to get their stories straight so nothing bad would happen to either of them.

K:  Billy, stop.  We have a problem.

B:  What's wrong my love?

K:  My mom just asked me to invite you to the graduation party.  I haven't told her about you yet.

B:  No… this isn't good at all.  

K:  No shit.  This screws everything up.  We need to get our story synced and NOW.  You added me as a quick add and we started talking.  We fell for each other and that is that.  No variation got it?

B:  Fine.  We will do things your way.  I wish we could tell the truth.

K:  NO!  If they knew the truth, they would MURDER YOU!  I don't want you dead.  It would kill me if anything happened to you.

"Also, I am going to buy you some condoms just in case he decides to so anything."

Billy growled inside his head hearing those words through the phone.  What kind of woman does she think he is?  For one, if a man is going to have sex with someone then he should be the one who gets the condoms.  And secondly, this trip was not so he could have sex with Kim.  It was to be there in support of the woman he loved.

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