A Turbulent Beginning

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<Kimberly POV>

"Oh my God!  I cheated on Lance!"

This was the first thought in Kim's head when she woke up that morning.  Last night was a complex blend of emotions, starting with sadness and acceptance at the ending of her life to the sudden romance with Billy and a yearning for what may happen next with him.  

She went over the events from last night thinking of why it happened.  Like Billy had never once shown that he had seen her that way.  She didn't really think that they would really be anything more than they were.  Well, not until last night.  She turned on snap and sent Billy a picture of her using a filter of bear ears that said good morning.  She was glad that Billy spoke to her last night for the most part.

<Billy POV>

"Ugh!  What a fucking idiot!"

Billy woke up cursing himself about his actions of last night.  Not only did he wind up doing things with Kim, but he also backpedaled when she questioned him about his age.  A joke?  Ugh Kim probably saw right through it.  The block is definitely going to come soon.  He was used to losing people he cared about online.  People get tired of things online or work just makes it too hard to maintain.  Her blocking him would hurt.  She was someone who amazed him.  Someone who he desired more and more, as if he were 8 years old and told he could have any dessert at the buffet.  He wanted it all.  He knew he was going to lose this wonderful girl.

A message had come through snap.  It was from Kim.  He was happy that she had messaged him but was worried about the content of the message.  He was so relieved that it was her looking beautiful with the ears on her head.  He stared at her for a while before getting up and getting ready for work.  The plan was to talk with her tonight about things.

[Later that night]


Billy sent Kim a message over snap when he got home and she appeared online.  Butterflies started to float around Billy's stomach as he sent his first message to Kim.  

B: Hey.

K: Hola.  So I wanted to talk about last night.

Billy had thoughts of the imminent rejection and subsequent block that was coming for him from Kim.  Kim, on the other hand, was going to tell him that last night was a one time thing.  It couldn't happen again.  She was with Lance, even if the idiot hadn't messaged her in two weeks.  

B:  What did you wanna talk about?

Billy was sure that she would want to ask about the age again.  34 is too random of an age to joke about.  If he were joking, he would totally have gone with one ending with a 0 or a 5.

Kim's body was betraying her.  With one sentence, she felt a pull to try and figure out if what she had experienced was real.  Did she actually feel his touch?  Did she actually taste him on her lips?  

K:  So, what are we now?  

B:  That part is easy.  We are whatever you feel we are.  We can be best friends or we can be Master and slave.  Either way I care about you and want you to be safe.

K:  Well I am heading to bed.  Early day tomorrow.

B:  Good night.

<Kim's Dream>

Kim closed her eyes and almost immediately she saw herself in the woods.  She looked around not able to tell where she was but felt like she knew where she was heading.  

Everything about this dream felt real, from the sounds of the twigs breaking under her feet to the feel of the dead collecting on the plants along the trail.  As the image of an old abandoned bunker appears before her eyes, she realizes where she is now.  This was the place where Lance first kissed her.  It was in that building that she made love for the first time.  It was hers and Lance's place.  She walked into the bunker and looked around wondering why she was there.

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