Trouble in Paradise

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<Kimberly POV>

A rustling in the bushes not far from where Rose, Ryker and her were sitting quickly brought her out of her fit of laughter.  She looked over just to see Andy Moyer and Kevin Letterman, two guys who had graduated when she was a freshman come out of the bushes that lead to their end of the river.  She rolled her eyes as the boys made their way over to the spot where her and Rose were at.  She knew they were coming to flirt with her.  No one knew about Billy yet.  She didn't want anyone to know she was dating a guy from out of state yet.

"Hey Kim.  What's new with you?  Heard Lance bailed on you.  Good riddance right?"

"Nothing Andy.  Just trying to relax with my friends like everyone else."

"Well good thing we are here then.  We were just passing by and heard you all here.  So, I thought that maybe we can come over and we could have some fun.  I brought these."  Andy said with a grin pulling out a bag full of bottle rockets.  

The quiet day at the river ended up being a loud one as they ended up firing bottle rockets across the river seeing what they could hit with them.  It was definitely a fun time that Kim had needed and for a little bit, she even forgot about her boyfriend.  

That was at least until the sun started to set.  Ryker had set up a fire by the river and Andy and Kevin had run to the store for stuff for smores.  Who has a fire and doesn't try making smores?  Kim was staring over the water thinking about everything in her life currently.  She thought about how she would be graduating in just under a month.  She would be an adult.  Yeah, she was already 18 but still was seen as a kid.  As a high school graduate, the training wheels are off and its time to ride free in the world.  Was she ready?   Thinking about this made her feel lonely for the first time in a long while.  Yeah, she was with Billy but she wasn't WITH Billy, and that was the problem.  She wanted Billy to be right there sitting with her along the water.  She wanted to be held in his arms enjoying the sunset.  She wanted to walk a trail with him.  She wanted to go for drives where her mom would call and ask if they got lost.  She was gonna invite him to her graduation party.  She was going to introduce him to everyone.  She knew her parents would love him so much because of how happy that he made her.  

She thought a little on her future, how she was going to take a year away from school.  She wanted to go on a trip and experience a bit of the world on her own.  She would make a mistake or two before she settled down and became a mom and had a family.  For a while, she had seen Lance as the one who she made a family with, but now she saw Billy.  The man who made her feel wanted, needed, and desired every minute of the day.  She wanted a family and life with him that they had talked about many times late at night after they talked about the things they would do.  She craved his touches and wanted nothing more than to wake in his arms every morning.  
As she gazed into the flames, she was unaware of Moyer coming up behind her with a drink.  As he touched her shoulder, she leapt off the ground, knocking the drink and Moyer to the ground.  He looked up at her covered in some jungle juice concoction that he had made up to try and get her to loosen up and get close to him.  Embarrassed, Andy ran away from the riverbank in a flash with Kevin quickly behind him.  As the fire died and the trio made their way back home, Kim messaged Billy inviting him to her graduation party.

<Billy's POV>

Waking up in a panic is never good.  The dreams were getting more creative and more taxing on Billy.  This latest one had Kim telling Billy how she could never love someone as ugly, as old, and as pathetic as he was before being helped by Captain America and the other Avengers to a bed where the "Avengers Assembled" so to speak.  

The worst part wasn't the content of the dreams but the way they made Billy feel.  He felt like he was losing a grip on everything.  It was affecting his relationships with his coworkers, his friends, and most importantly, with Kim.  They started as little arguments and then finally, the first fight happened.

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