The Wolves Among Us

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<Billy's Dream>

"Umm, who are you?"

Billy looked over at the man standing in this office right outside the elevator.  He didn't know what to make of him, except for the fact that he looked like a taller, skinnier, and richer version of himself.  What could be possibly want with him?  It surely didn't feel like the normal dreams that he usually had.  There were no villains to fight or damsels in distress to save.  Just him and this man who felt familiar causing the hairs on the back of Billy's neck stand up.

"Billy… Billy… Billy… who am I?  Who am I?  WHO AM I?!?  I have been with you since the beginning of time.  I am your blessing and your curse.  I am here to set things right.  I have held so many names and titles that to give you just one would just be a discredit to who I am.  But since you are a lowly, pathetic, worthless excuse of a human being I guess you can just call me Richard."

"And how are you going to set things right, Dick?  What advice in your divine mind could you obviously had for me when you have done NOTHING all of my life You?  You gonna tell me that I need to say my prayers and take my vitamins?  You gonna tell me to drink more water and absolve my sins, lest I go to Hell?  Please.  Like there is anything you can do for me."

"Now look here you little shit!  I am the one who is getting tired of your games!  I am the one who has to sit and watch your ass fuck up again and again.  I am the one who watches every attempt and every failure as you foolishly try to get someone to love you!  

No one does!  Not the girls you chase like a little puppy dog… not your friends… Hell, even your family thinks that you are a waste of time and space to deal with.  You are a monster.  And no one loves monsters.  Especially ones like you."

Billy could only look down hearing the words of this stranger.  He clenched his fists in anger, obviously wanting to object.  However, in the back of his mind, he felt that Richard was telling the truth.  Billy's memories flooded his mind all at once.  Every date, every conversation, every flirtatious saying that Billy had ever said and all of his heartbreaks flooded the walls around the office.  Billy looked around and fell to his knees almost in tears at the scene in front of him.  The statuesque stranger merely took it all in, spreading his arms out wide as if he were a ringmaster in the circus.

"Do you see what I have to deal with?  You are someone not worthy of any love.  They say God loves you but honestly, who would ever love a disgusting, pathetic, miserable sack of shit like you?  You are a mistake, Billy.  Arthur should have let you finish the job that night in your room.  It would have been so much easier for the both of us.  It would have been easier on her."

The images that lined the office walls now turned to Kim.  Every smile she gave Billy, every scene of laughter, and every word that she ever typed to Billy appeared along the walls.  The stranger took a seat at the desk and delivered a piercing glare toward Billy over his interlocked fingers.

"Ah yes, this lovely little creature.  The woman that you 'love'.  I wonder just how she will feel once she finds out that the man she has wanted so badly is almost twice her age.  I wonder would it break her heart or if it would make her want to kill you.  Honestly, the latter would make things perfect for me.  That way I would not have to deal with a pathetic loser like you anymore.  I mean she could never love you.  She loves the 20 year old version of you that she projects in her mind.  The one who she can dream of a future with, not you, 34 years old with nothing going for him!  You are a selfish, greedy creep!"

At this time the images along the wall changed yet again flashing between Kim looking and pointing while laughing at Billy to Richard doing the same.  Constantly hearing the woman he loved and this stranger laughing and teasing Billy made him so angry.  He lunged across the desk to try and leap at Richard.  Instead of hitting someone, Billy ended up flying through the tall stranger which incited a loud fit of laughter from Richard.

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