Say You Won't Let Go

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[A Few Years Later]

Billy sat on a bench looking at the people coming into the church.  Sitting next to him was Amy, Kim's mother.  Over the past couple of years, Kim's family had slowly reached out to Billy.  It didn't hurt that they were both plaintiffs against Justin Love for the crimes that he committed against both Kim and Billy.

The police were already looking for Justin because of what they had found on that lakeshore property after Kim's escape.  They found many different human remains along the shoreline of the lake.  When Justin has sent Kim the selfie of himself with Billy, she was able to use that to inform the police where he was.  Justin was soon picked up after his assault on Billy.  He was charged with so many crimes that he was soon sentenced to life in jail.  

The life that Justin ended up living was short in jail.  Seems like when you mess with someone whose uncle is the Chief of Police somewhere, that a few favors can be called in when someone needs to learn a lesson.  No one knows what happened to cause Justin to end up stuffed in that dryer in the laundry room and it is doubtful that it will ever be known.

Billy's lawyer for the case was Kim's aunt, who was a prosecuting attorney.  She was also Kim's attorney.  During the trial, at the request of Kim's family, both Billy and Kim were kept separate.  One, they still didn't approve of Billy and Kim being together so they didn't want them to interact. 

Also, Billy's injuries were just that severe.  It took quite a few surgeries to fix the damage caused by Justin's assault.  Even after all these years, he can't walk right and there are still issues that may never be fixed.

What kept Billy going, through all the pain and agony, was Kim.  She was always on his mind.  During his recovery, he started to read again.  His favorite stories were the ones with the strongest heroines, those who overcame the odds and fulfilled their destinies.  These women reminded me of the one who got away, the one he fell in love with, the one he wanted to this very day.  She was on his mind even now, as her mother placed a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

Amy:  "Billy, it's time.  I'm sorry for everything that happened."

Billy:  "It is fine.  Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows.  You will always have good stuff to happen and bad stuff will happen to good people."

With that, he slowly rose from his seat and gingerly walked into the reception hall for the event, which was a fundraiser for a charity that Kim had set up to aid victims of abuse and human trafficking.  She traveled from place to place over the past few years, telling her story to schools and even going on the Today Show and Ellen about it.  The word LOVE that Justin had carved into her back was covered up by a tattoo which read "My friends are my True Loves."  She was able to turn the tragedy in her life and turn it into something inspiring and beautiful, just like she was.

Tonight would be the first night that Billy would be at one of these.  This would be the first night that Kim and Billy would ever meet face to face.  Amy was the one who had picked him up and made sure he was ready.  He was going to need to be.  It was a first impression years in the making.

Dinner went well, with Kim saying a few words thanking everyone for coming out beforehand.  After dinner, there was a live band so that there could be some socializing and some dancing.  Kim was dancing with one of the many political big wigs who had come to get the publicity rub off of someone so revered for her work.  Billy hobbled over with the aid of his cane and politely tapped on the politician's shoulder.

Billy:  "May I cut in and take this dance?"

Kim was speechless as she saw Billy.  For so long, she had waited and longed for this day.  She flew out of the politician's arms and into Billy's.  For what felt like forever, they held each other close.  It seemed like neither one wanted to let go out of fear that this was all a dream.  

As the music played and their song came on, Billy started to move to the music.  Kim stayed with him placing her head on his chest.

Kim:  "I'm finally home."

Billy:  "Welcome home, my love.  This is where you are meant to be."

They closed their eyes and moved to the music.  As the song continued, thoughts of their lives since they met each other went through their heads like a movie.  Billy started to sing along which caused Kim to open her eyes and look up at the man she loved for what felt like forever and who she would love always.  It felt like in that moment, that the music enveloped them and created a world of their own.  This was what she had wanted.

Billy:  "Say you won't let go.  Be mine forever. I love you."

Kim:  "Always and forever.  I love you too."

And they danced the night away until they were the only ones left on the floor.  And they never let go.

The End

(A/n: Thank you very much for reading this.  You have been amazing and please never let go of those you love.  May you always have happiness and love and laughter.)

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