{11} Indulgent

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having or indicating a tendency to be overly generous to or lenient with someone.

2 months later...

Two weeks turned into 2 months all because of one minor issue.

I was bathing Dash and slipped, that's it.

But overall it hasn't been as bad as I thought, except for the fact he lets Dina leaves the house but not me. He says she a bit terrifying.

The nurse tells me that the scar is healing very well, we just have to wait until it fully closes.

"I'm leaving in 3 days." I shut the book i'm reading and turn my gaze towards Luca.

We're in my bedroom, well the room i'm currently occupying. He sits on the couch, while I lay on the bed.

"Is that so?" He keeps his eyes trained on his laptop.

"Yes, i'm stuck in this big ass mansion that I can't sight-see because there's certain stuff you don't want me to see." I say the last part trying to sound like him. He only shakes his head and continues to type. I get up and stride over to him making him look up at me.

"In these three days you should make the best of it." I sit beside him and throw my legs over his. Over this past month I can say we have become fond of each other, you could even call us friends if you want. But it's all part of the plan.

"Why would I need to do that Miss.Williams?" He closes the laptop and gives me his undivided attention.

"Because by the end of the week you won't ever see me again."

"Haha you're so funny." He replies in a monotone voice.

"I'm serious Tae, i'm quitting Heathens." Tae is a nickname I gave him.

"Just because you're quitting doesn't mean we won't see each other anymore." He responds pushing his glasses back on his face.

"Yes it does." I look at the time.

"Why?" He questions trying to maintain his composure.

"Because I said so." I get up to go get Dash from his men. They love him so much. It's cute.

"Fuck that." He laughs following me out the door. "That medicine is starting to kick in."

I ignore his comment and carry on walking to the other wing of the mansion.

He tries to grab my wrist but I pull away before he makes contact with my skin. He groans and pulls me in the nearest room.

"Don't touch me I don't know who or what you've been touching." I wipe imaginary dust off me.

"Why are you acting like this? I thought we were good." He conveys in a soft voice.

"Good? Luca you've kept me in that wing for over two months, I haven't stepped foot outside since. And yeah you've been nice and doing your best to keep me company, but i've literally fought you multiple times in the first two weeks because you had me locked in a room like some doll." I reply and he mumbles something incoherent. "What?"

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