{49} Actions

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a thing done; an act.

"Marco. How is everything?" I ask once he steps into Luca's office.

Luca went to go see his father at St. Ellis.

"Good. The boys are doing good in Chicago." Since all of them decided to stay we had to move them, there wasn't enough room here. Brian said that he would be happy to help. "Alvaro, thanks you all. Especially you and Katorah."

Alvaro. The boy who was shot. Doctors say he'll make a full recovery.

"I'll be sure to let her know." He nods. "And mom?" I ask referring to his mom.

"Mom is doing well." His mother also resides in Chicago. "She was a bit skeptical with me coming back here. But other than that, she's good."

"That's good, i'll have to visit all of them soon." I close the laptop and fold my hands together. "Did you receive it?"

He nods and holds his pistol out. I grab it and look at a M engraved one side and an A engraved on the other.

M for Mancini.

A for Aubrei.

He is now officially part of the family and my security team. Luca was iffy about him joining my detail, but I convinced him otherwise.

"That thing is scary. What if it slips out my holster? It could hurt someone, more importantly I could lose a toe." He says with the most serious expression.

"You gotta be joking." He shakes his head and I smack mine.


I have been summoned to my fathers house. I walk in and I can tell something is wrong by the look on her and dads face.

"Sit please." Dina says. I sit on the loveseat across from them. She clears her throat before trying to speak, but shuts it right as she's about to speak.

"Raven was-" My father says and before he can finish I jump out of my seat and rush upstairs to my old room.

She's not here.

My dad comes in after me, "What did you do?" I keep my back to him.

"Not him...Amber." Dina says. I turn to face them.

"I think Santiago knows about Raven. That's why he had her attacked." Dad says.

"He's in a coma. How could he possibly order this?"

"I'm thinking it was a plan in the making." Dad explains and I nod.

"Okay, so where is she?"

"At St.Ellis hospital." Dina says.

"The same hospital he's at?!" I practically yell. "Who's watching her?!"

"Calm your ass down. Your brothers are there. We only left to get her some clothes." He curses.

"Wait. How long has she been there?" Dina doesn't look my way at all.

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