{25} Catastrophe

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an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.

It's the day of the Gala, and the mansion is calm. You would think it would be hectic, with what's about to go down tonight. Luca told me some things but my father told me everything. So now some kind of way i'm supposed to try and kill Izan Garrido. I swear Roman doesn't let me breath.

There's a knock on the door and I yell for them to come in. The familiar face I recognize from pictures is Katorah and i'm guessing the other girl is Braelynn, who happens to be Evelyn's daughter.

"Hi, i'm Katorah and this is Braelynn," They both reach their hands out and I shake them.

"I'm Aubrei." They already know that Reign. They both smile.

"Ready to get started." I nod. Both of the women are very beautiful. I can see why Rage would go for Katorah, she radiates "that bitch" energy. That and their both hackers. She's on the short side standing at maybe 5'2, 5'3, she has very bronzed melanin skin. She reminds me of Ryan Destiny.

Since Oliver is very chaotic, I can see why he would go for someone who's the total opposite of him. Very calming. But equally as crazy. She about my height 5'5 or 5"6, she's a tad bit lighter than me due to both of her parents being mixed. She's also very funny, once she opens up.

They both tell me about their situations with Rage and Oliver. Katorah mention how Rage cheated and almost got a woman pregnant. I remember the scare like it was yesterday, he wasn't scared about the baby he was scared about loosing Katorah.

Turns out he didn't cheat, it was right before him and Katorah got back together.

She also also mentions that me and Rage have similar features. I play it off my asking her if I look like a dude. They both laugh.

"Girl no, i'm saying you two could go for siblings." She dips the brush into one of the palettes.

"I see it too, but I think it might be the hair. Since both of you have long curly hair." Braelynn says as she braids down another piece of my hair.

Luca comes in and saves the day cause I have no idea how I would have continued the conversation.

"Hey, baby." He tries to kiss me but I turn my head. The girls start groaning telling him to leave.

"Go away or I will set this house on fire." Braelynn says grabbing a curling iron and pointing it at him.

"If you mess anything up, I will throat punch you." Katorah says, and wow I just got turned on by both of these women.

"Brae, you know you can't make threats like that when you've already done it before." I turn and look at her with a shocked expression and she just shrugs and continues to finish up my hair.

"We'll it wasn't my fault, I told you not to have his birthday party here in the first place. But you didn't listen, so when I found him and those 3 other girls in a room." She looks at me through the mirror. "Well let's just say that room is still currently under construction."

"That's understandable." I say looking at my nails I got done yesterday.

"What?! She tried to kill him." Luca says.

| Devious Siren | {18+}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora