{14} Delusional

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characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.

Getting out of Luca's house was a breeze. He really should hire new men. They'll make it too easy for me.

The hardest part was getting Dash, they would not let me have him. Well mostly Nick, he didn't want us to leave but he understood how scared I was. So he let us go.

"Okay we're here, tell me everything now." Dina says stopping in front of my fathers house.

"How were you able to get my car?" I ask her suspiciously. Even though I already know.

"Aubrei." She says pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Okay fine, can we at least get inside first?"

"No tell me now! How am I supposed to be your mother when you keep me in the dark about everything?"

She's right I can't keep leaving her out of things if I want this to continue. But if I do to tell her anything she won't be able to leave.

"Dina, it's so much. I want to tell you everything but I also want you to leave if this ever becomes overwhelming for you."

"Look at where we've been for the past two months, you think I don't know that you're dealing with some mafia shit. You think that I don't know you and Desmond are siblings, hell y'all could even be twins. And that Kian and Ameer are also your brothers."

"If you know all of this why are pressuring me into telling you?"

"Because Aubrei I want to hear it from you, I want you to tell me who you are. I shouldn't have to put pieces together by myself."

I take a deep breath. "Well for starters, Aubrei isn't my name, it's just a name I go by." I look over at her and she nods slowly.

"Okay." She urges for me to continue.

"My name is Reign Naomi Dal Bon and i'm an assassin. Same with my Desmond, Kian and Ameer they're my brothers. We're all playing a character written by our father. Roman Dal Bon. What he wants me to do is kill Luca. He doesn't want him dead right away he gave me 3 years. Dad wants him to fall in love with me somehow so when he does die, I can take over." I stare straight forward not wanting to see the look on her face.

She grabs my hand and I turn to her. "This won't work out well for you, I can already tell you have feelings for Luca."

"I don't."

"Then why are you crying?" I look in rear view mirror and see tears streaming down.

"Because of my brothers." I sigh. "I dont want to kill him, he didn't do anything wrong. But I have no choice if I don't kill him i'll have to hurt them."

"You'll hurt them either way, but killing their friend Aubrei. You won't be able to live with yourself."

"I can and I will, i've done it before." I say getting out of the car and walking towards the door. It opens and Rage stands there before pulling me and Dina in.

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