{38} Countless

39 3 0


The next morning I wake up, hearing talking outside the bedroom door. Looking over at the clock, it's only 7:23 a.m.

Too fucking early to be so loud.

I yank the door open to see two guards, one in front of my door and the other across from him at another. Just chatting it up.

"Excuse me sirs, can I ask why you're being so loud at 7 o'clock in the morning?" I ask and see the guard across look at me but quickly reverts his eyes.

"Sorry ma'am, we were switching out shifts." The guard at my door says, not looking my way at all. I look down and see that i'm only in a oversized tee. Nipples that could cut diamonds, poke through my shirt. I quickly shut the door.

"Sorry." I say loud enough for them to hear me through the door.

I get dress in some leggings and a pullover about two hours later. Leaving the room, the woman that they interrogated coming out the one across from me.

I never really gotten a good look at her until now. The bruises are worse than I thought. But I can tell the nurses have been treating her. She's wearing a hoodie and sweats that are 3x her size and a pair of christmas socks. She has really long jet black hair that stops right at her waist.

She's cute.

"Hi." I say to keep from being weird.

"Hey." She says quietly.

"I'm Aubrei." I put my hand out.

"I know." She smiles a little. "I'm Zoe." She shakes my hand and I hear a bit of a Spanish accent. "Thank you, by the way. You saved me."

I'm not sensing any shady vibes from her but who's to say she's innocent and not like me. I smile and tell her she's welcome.

"Have you had breakfast?" She shakes her head. "Good, me neither. I'll cook."

"I'm sorry ma'am, but Sire asked us to take her back to the confrontational room. He wants to speak with her again." Her guard says.

"He can wait an hour." I tell the guard and grab Zoe's hand.

"But ma'am-"

"It's fine, i'll take her as soon as we're done eating." I knock and open the room door Raven was staying in but she's not in there. "Where's Raven?"

"The kitchen." My guard says and I thank him before heading to the kitchen.

"Hey, are you sure? I wouldn't want to get you into any trouble." Zoe says halfway down the stairs.

"Yeah, Luca will be alright."

"Luca? As in Luca Mancini?" I turn to face her from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeahh." I drag out slowly. "Please tell me you haven't slept with him. Because I really want us to be friends."

Her eyes go wide. "No, no, I don't even know what the guy looks like. I just didn't know he would be here and not in hiding." I squint my eyes at her.

"Why do you say that?" We walk down the ginormous hallway.

"Half of the country wants him dead. So I just thought he would be in hiding." She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. "But anyway how are you feeling?" She points at the bruises on my neck.

"Oh, this is nothing. It's only-"

"Pura?" She questions and I follow her eyes and see their on Raven. She rushes to her, hugging her. "Oh my God, I knew I wasn't crazy. I thought you were dead." Messiah eyebrow raises as a flimsy pancake hangs from his mouth.

| Devious Siren | {18+}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora