{43} Supervision

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the action of supervising someone or something.

"How's everything going with Dad and Raven? Sorry I haven't talked to you sooner." I speak into the phone.

"It's fine sweetie." Dina sighs on the other end. "But they've been bickering about Raven's training."

"What about it?"

"He wants to stop it but Raven wants to continue. She keeps threatening she'll run away if he doesn't train her." She sighs again. "So he's barely sleeping, scared she'll try and leave through the night. And he's doing whatever she says. She asked for a pink gun with her name on it yesterday, why did she get it two hours later?" She breathes.

"Maybe this is his way of making it up to her, I dunno."

"I understand that, but he shouldn't be spoiling her with things like this." I hear a door close on the other end. "He told me that she's gonna try and kill those people. She's not ready for that, she's nowhere near ready." Dina whispers.

"I don't know. I seen the fight between her and Messiah, and I got to give her credit."

"Are you really entertaining this?"

"No of course not. I just think it's something she needs to do—"

"Not this again, Aubrei. You're telling me a fourteen year old girl needs to get revenge for her to have peace? She could get hurt Brei, or worse end up dead. Are you hearing yourself?"

"I'll be there with her."

"That doesn't make it fucking better, Reign!" She yells. "Neither one of you should be doing this. I won't let her do this. I won't." Her voice cracks. "And you, Reign, you're grown enough to make your own decisions. So I can't tell you what to do. But whatever it is, I beg of you to not get hurt."

"Yes ma'am. I won't." I say to keep her nerves down.

"Good. I have to talk to Raven now, i'll call you later." I hang up after our see you laters.

Leaving Luca's and I room, I find him in his office. He practically lives in here now since he fired that thing.

"Did you eat yet?" He shakes his head. "Baby, it's almost seven p.m."

"I have to finish this first, then i'll eat. I promise." His eyes stay glued to his desktop.

"Now, Luca. You barely ate anything yesterday."

"I know babe, but I promise i'll eat soon."

I groan. "You should be done once I get finish cooking, okay?"

"Yes ma'am." He puckers his lips and I peck them a few times before going into the kitchen.

The house is eerily quiet and empty today. So I only cook for us two. 30 minutes later i'm done cooking and Luca still hasn't came out of the office yet. Just as i'm about to leave, in he walks.

"I was coming, amore." He says sitting down at the island.

"Where is everyone?" I ask while plating his food. "Here."

He thanks me and begins to eat. "I sent everyone home, to their loved ones." I sit beside him and nod slowly. "After this auction some of them might not get to see their families again."

"What? Don't say that, they will. We won't lose anyone." He slightly shrugs. "Oh my God. What if we do? What about their families? How would we tell them?" I fear.

He grabs my hand. "Hey, amore. Everything will work out fine. They are not forced to participate in this commission, they all agreed on their own will. And if something were to happen, it wouldn't be your fault."

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