{15} Triad

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a group or set of three connected people or things.

Y'all this chapter was so hard to write and I have no idea why.

The plane ride to California went with ease, other than all the double glances people were giving me. The hat and sunglasses did nothing to hide the bruises. One lady came up to me and ask if I needed the police and pointed at Dina. I caught on to what she was trying to say and immediately started telling her no and that she was the one who helped me get out of the situation.

She gave me a warm smile and patted Dash's head.

Pulling out the phone dad left for me, I give him a call and tell him that we've made it.

It's funny how he had everything ready for us, kinda like he planned this too. He even had things for Dina. I can tell he has some kind of fondness of the woman. By the way he keeps mentioning her. But she doesn't reciprocate the fondness. Especially since I told her almost everything on the plane.

Or at least I think.

Dad tells me that there should be a black SUV waiting for us outside. With paperwork about everything I need to do while i'm here.

Walking towards the vehicle, my mind wanders to Luca. I can only think about how he's feeling, which I shouldn't be. I ignore the thought and get into the truck.

"You're thinking about him again. you." I look over at Dina who's smirking.

I scoff, "I'm not i'm just thinking all this stuff I have to do while i'm here." I grab the manila folder and read through it. "Like meet with some guy named Chase Hill about some drug tomorrow at 7. Then find some guy named Tony Atkins and terminate him." That's dramatic.

"Whatever you say Aubrei," I mentally roll my eyes. She's not wrong but it's frustrating how she can read me like a book.

The driver drops us off at the lofts we'll be staying in. We check in. There are security guards all over the place, I wonder if dad hired them.

We make our way to the huge two bedroom loft, it's gorgeous and fully furnished. I'm confused on why dad decided on a loft, it's not like we're going to be here a long time. Just a few days if everything goes as planned.

Dina and I both decide to take a quick nap. Then go and grab dinner. It's crazy how i've only known her a few months and she's been more of a mother to me, than my own birth mother.

It's scary how I don't remember anything about my parents, it actually makes me feel guilty. When I shouldn't.

I go find the other bedroom and I lay down gathered in my thoughts. I wonder how life would've been if my parents actually gave a shit about us. I wonder how it would've been if we never met Nate and Jycobi.

I keep wondering until I drift off to sleep.


I'm woken up by Dina entering the room and telling me to come downstairs there's a problem.

I look at the time and see it's only 6:03pm, I get up and go downstairs to see what the problem is.

And there's our driver holding a girl by her backpack. She looks at me but avoids eye contact quickly.

"I found her trying to break into the truck." He says. While she struggles to get out of his grip. I thank him and he leaves.

"Who are you and why did you try and break into my truck?" I stand in front of her. She only looks away. This girl couldn't be older than 13, she looks like she has been living on the streets for months. She has brown skin, her hair is curly but matted down. She wear a dirty blue skin tight dress with black leggings and old converse. It's the middle of October and she has nothing on her arms. "Hellooo, i'm talking to you." She begins to walk towards the door but I grab her arm and sit her down at the kitchen table. She folds her arms and look at her feet.

I look at Dina and she only shrugs. I sigh.

This is going to be a long night.

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