{16} Similar

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"What's your name?" I ask her and she shrugs. "Are you going to say something?" She shrugs again.

"We'll if you're not going to tell me why you were trying to break into my car, then i'll just call the police."

She gets up and starts to move her hands frantically. It was in a specific way, like she was using sign language.

"She says she was trying to hide, she promises she won't do it again." I look over at Dina, gosh what doesn't this woman know.

I only studied words that my father taught us. If we were in a situation where we had to be quiet and needed to get away.

"How did you understand what I said, are you mute?" She shakes her head and takes a breath.

"No and yes, I heard you i'm only deaf in one ear. And i'm only mute when I need to be." She says quietly looking down.

"Who were you hiding from?" Dina asks sitting across from the girl.

"The security guard here, he's not really one, he's looking for me because I escaped."


"A guy named Almanze Garrido, he was killed a couple months ago. When we found out a lot of us escaped, it was the only chance to get away. So now i'm trying to escape from Izan."

He's was the guy who had the trafficking business.

"Who's Izan?" I ask.

"I think it's his brother." I nod.

"How old are you?"


"How long have you been there?" Dina asks.

"Since I was seven."

"You don't have to go back, you can stay here with us we can help you." I snap my neck in Dina's direction. I raise my eyebrow at her.

Is she crazy?

"No, it's okay I can tell when someone doesn't want me around and I can protect my self," She says with a sad smile. I sigh.

"Look kid, it's not that. You don't know us, we could be killers. Who's to say that I won't call the security officer up here now and have him take you away? And Dina, who's to say that she isn't like me? You can't just tell someone they can stay here." I say looking between the both of them.

They both look down, as Dina is about to speak there's a knock on the door. I look to the girl and tell her to hide behind the counter. She sprints to it. Dina grabs a gun and stands behind the door. I look out the peephole and see one of the guards.

"Yes," I open the door with a polite smile.

He looks me up and down then smirks. I instantly feel disgusted. "I'm Tony, one of the guards that work here. I was wondering if you have seen this little girl?" I thought it would've taken me longer to find him but I guess not. He pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of the girl in the kitchen.

"No I haven't seen her around. I just moved here a couple of days ago."

"Oh so you're new to the city?" He says with another smirk. I smile and nod. "How about tomorrow night I take you out and show you my city?"

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