{36} Stolen

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A week later

"How are you feeling?" Luca asks wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Bored, I don't want to stay cooped up in this house anymore."

"I know babe, but someone is literally trying to kill you."

"But I can handle my own, you know that."

"You got into one fight with Amber. I know it's harsh, but that doesn't prove anything." He says and I roll my eyes.

"That was mean, but I do have a dinner with my mom and Roman later. Raven is here too."

"Yeah, I know. The conference will be over with way before then."

"Okay, good." I peck his lips. "When you come back, I will be in this bed with nothing on, waiting for you." I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Is that right?" He asks gripping my ass.

"It is, so you better hurry." I drag my hand down to his belt buckle, giving it a little tug.

"You're a tease." I smile and kiss him again. He deepens it.

We have a full blown make out session in the middle of our bedroom. The door opens and I hear gagging noises.

"Please get a room." Oliver says walking into our room and in Luca's closet.

"This is our room, idiot." Luca states.

"Let me wear this, next week." He holds up a black and navy blue suit.

"No, buy your own."

"It won't be back in time. Stop being stingy." He takes the suit and walks to the door. "And hurry up."

He kisses me again, "I'll be back later." I nod.

"Be careful." I say and he nods.


The conference with Joseph went on longer than I thought. It's been over 2 hours and all he's doing is talking about nothing.

"Joseph, you said you had information on Riley and The Garridos, where is it?" I ask.

"What's the rush, Mancini?" He says taking a bite of his steak and scraping his teeth on the fork. Irking my nerves.

"We've been here for over two hours and you've only been talking about your personal life, which in all honesty I don't give a fuck about."

"Jeez, son you know it's gonna cost you about Riley." He says bringing his briefcase to his lap.

"I already paid you."

"That was for Garridos, Riley is gonna cost ya' a pretty penny."

"How much we talking?"

"I want some of your product and one of the women from Heathens." He says with a wicked smile.

"No hell no. What the fuck makes you think i'm about to sell someone? You know i'm not into that." It pisses me off that people always associate my business with human trafficking. "You know what Joseph, fuck your information. I'll find her on my own." I get up and throw down a hundred dollar bill but he stops me.

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