{27} Devine

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excellent; delightful.

Two weeks later.

"Well come on in stranger, it feels like I haven't seen you in forever." Dina greets me as I walk into my fathers home.

"I know i'm sorry."

"It's fine, so how's the Luca situation going?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I gotta make sure my brothers and Raven are safe."

"What about Luca?"

"It's out of my control. I care about him but I care about them more. There's nothing I can do about it."

"You'll find a way." She gives me a reassuring smile.

"How's Raven?" She takes a deep breath and looks down. "Don't do that, where is she?" I panic a bit.

"She's in your room resting." I go upstairs to my room to check on her.

I open the bedroom door and she's there laying down looking out the window, "Raven?" She looks over at me and smiles. There's bruises and a few scratches on her face, not as bad as I thought.

She hops out of bed and hugs me. "What are you doing here? You can't be here while I train, he'll be pissed once he finds out!"

"Who's gonna tell him?"

"Definitely not me." She says while shaking her head.

"Good, and I wanted to see you guys. I'm sorry I haven't been here for you."

"It's not your fault, for starters Roman won't allow you to be here, 2nd you have a mission to fulfill."

"Fulfill huh?"

"Yeah." She snorts. "I've been working on my vocabulary and a bunch of other things."

"I'm proud of you."

"Thanks." She smiles still hugging me.

"I also came to invite you both to a Christmas party." I look at Dina who's standing in the doorway. Raven eyes light up but soon replace with sadness.

"I don't think i'll be able to go." She looks down.

I smile. "Did he tell you, you're not allowed to celebrate holidays even your birthday?" She nods."He's lying, we celebrated every holiday and birthday. You'll be there." Like I said before he's not the best father but he still made things work.

"Thank you, i'm tired of staying locked up in this house." Oh the memories.

"No problem, now I have to work at 4. I'll see you both in a couple of days." I say walking down the stairs.

"Be careful." Dina tells me out the door and I give her a thumbs up.


"This is your 4th time calling me Tae, I told you i'm busy." I put the phone on speaker.

"I know, I wanted to make sure everything is good." He says over the phone. It's the grand opening of his restaurants and he's late, he had to take care a few things.

"Everything is fine babe, you just need to hurry up and get here." I say walking out the office room and into the dining area. This restaurant is beautiful, it's very showy and rich, hence the name.

"I'll be there in two seconds."

"You better, see you when you get here." I hang up the phone and double check the restaurant. Making sure everything in intact.

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