Battle Royale Begins! Part 1

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*I separate the Battle Royale Arc into two parts. Happy reading :)*

Leo Apartement - Room 95

I opened my eyes after a good 8 hours sleep on the couch. After all happened yesterday, I'm sure really need to rest.

After stretching a bit, I go to the bathroom to take a bath and after that, I go to the kitchen to make a breakfast. I cook a simple english breakfast for both of us.

After I'm done cooking, I placed all the food in the table and go to the bedroom to wake up Serena.

"Serena?" I knocked on her bedroom door few times. "Breakfast is ready. Are you hungry?"

After a few minutes of silence I decided to wake her up by myself. I open the door and found Serena was still sleeping on bed. I had to admit, she was kinda cute when she's sleeping.

"Hey sleepy head." I said in a soft tone. "Wake up."

"5 more minutes..." She muttered as she turned to other side.

"Huft, plan B it is." I thought. "Hey Serena Academia is coming for you!" I yelled as she jumped out of her bed and strapping her Duel Disk on her arm.

"W-where are they?!" She asked.

"In Fusion Dimension." I smiled at her. "Finally you wake up."

"Mou..." She puffed her cheeks in annoyance. "What do you want?"

"Breakfast is ready. You coming?" I asked her.

"Fine." She answered. "I'm going to take shower first."

"I'm waiting in the table." I said as I left the bedroom while Serena was going to the bathroom.

10 Minutes Later

While I was eating my food, Serena joined me at the table. Although she still annoyed, she choose to focus on her own food. After a brief silence, she addresed me.

"Can I ask you something, Kuroba Mizael?" Serena asked.

"Sure. As long as it not too personal." I answered. "Also, there's no need to use my full name. You just can call me Mizael."

"Very well, Mizael." She nodded. "As Akaba Reiji's subordinate, haven't you come across any mysterious Xyz user in the tournament or in the city in general? I could use that as reference to find out their base."

"No, I never encountered any of them." I lied. "If my boss hasn't discovered them so far, why would I know about them?"

Predictably enough, she just nodded and didn't question again. It's a relief she was so gullible. Akabaka knows if she join the war, she'll deflect in just a matter of time.

"Can I ask you something in return?" I addresed her. "Since Sora defeated by me, but you didn't know anything about me until I revealed my Deck, that means you didn't question Sora about my appereances after he returned to Academia?"

"Well..." Serena look uncomfortable for first time. "I just overhear Professor talking about Galaxy Duelist that defeated Shiunin. After that, Barret and I took off immediately before Professor could stop us... so we didn't have a change to gather more information..."

" least gather information first." He sighed. "Anyway, I got to go. You sure you don't need a guide to explore the city?"

"Please..." She took a bite on her scramble egg. "I'm Academia trained soldier. Exploring a city is a easy task for me."

"If you say so." I headed to the door. "See you later."

With that last sentences, I leave the apartement to Stadium for official beginning of Battle Royale.

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